Apollo is a Grandaddy

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“This is going to be a disaster,” Nico grumbled. Will laughed.

“Yeah, probably.”

Already wearing his pale blue button up shirt and dress trousers, Will walked across the room to do up Nico’s last button and to adjust his aviator jacket. He kissed Nico’s nose, admiring wide brown eyes emphasised with eyeliner.

“Well you’ll look fabulous during catastrophe.”

“I know that.” Nico playfully rolled his eyes. His smile gave it away. He lifted onto his tiptoes and wrapped his arms around Will’s neck, bringing their faces impossibly close.

“Couldn’t we just stay here?” he asked in a low voice. Will’s arms laced around Nico’s waist.

“I don’t think our parents would like if we missed dinner with them,” Will reasoned. “They might smite us. Do you want to be... smited? Smote? Smitten?”

“Don’t think about it too hard,” Nico advised, leaning in for a kiss.

Will’s lips were soft and warm, his embrace tight and loving. Nico’s hands moved to tangle in golden curls, his heart hammering against his ribcage and his senses filled with only the boy he loved. Will smelled of his favourite cologne: cinnamon, freshly cut grass and strawberries.

“We have to go, darlin’,” Will warned against Nico’s lips. Nico pulled back and rested their foreheads together, eyes closed.

“Do we though? What about the Cocoa Puffs?”

“Piper’s looking after them.”

Nico pouted.

“Oh don’t give me that look. You know you’re procrastinating. Cuddles when we get home.”

Nico sighed, kissing Will one last time.

“Fine. Off to misery then.”

Nico held Will’s arms and concentrated hard. A few seconds later, they were standing outside the entrance to hell. Lovely.

After Will checked Nico was okay (and gave him a kit kat) they met Charon at the river and engaged in relatively pleasant conversation as they crossed the river. When they arrived, he wished them luck and they walked to Hades’ palace.

The skeletons let them in on sight. Will took Nico’s hand automatically. He had gotten much better with dealing with the Underworld but it was still a very unfamiliar and unnerving place for him and he liked the reassurance that Nico was there and safe.

When they walked into the dining room, they were met with what they had been dreading. There sat Hades, Persephone, Apollo and, as the only saving grace, Frank and Hazel. A family dinner. Thankfully, Mars had no intention of showing up, which would have made a bad situation a thousand times worse.

Persephone smiled, Frank and Hazel gave sympathetic looks, Apollo beamed and Hades gave a single nod. Will and Nico sat beside Frank and Hazel with Nico giving Hazel a kiss on the forehead and a hug in greeting.

“Nico, Will. What kept you?” Hades asked. Will glanced at Nico, who kept a neutral face.

“Zombie apocalypse,” he answered flatly. Hades blinked.

“He’s messing with you, dude.” Apollo slapped Hades on the back. “They were making out.”

“Dad!” Will exclaimed.

“Well we’re glad you’re here now,” Persephone interrupted. She smiled at Will, who smiled back. They had taken a liking to each other since the garden incident based off of understanding.

“Stop ogling my stepmother,” Nico hissed.

“I am not," Will whispered back. "Besides, I’m raising your children not hers.”

“So, children,” Hades began. “I trust everything is well.”

He eyed Will and Frank as he said this.

“Yes, father,” Hazel and Nico chorused.

“You know Frank’s been doing a lot of work around camp,” Hazel added proudly. “He’s really good at handling the new demigods and we’ve all been so proud of him.”

Frank blushed. Apollo leaned back in his seat.

“What have you been up to, my boy?” he asked. Will shrugged.

“I was given a bit of time off from the infirmary after the quest so mainly just hanging out with Nico, not that I’m complaining. You know, looking after the kids.”

Hades spat out the water he’d been drinking.

“The what?”

Will froze. He and Nico called the Cocoa Puffs their kids so often it had just slipped out.

“I’m a granddaddy?” Apollo’s eyes lit up.

“That’s just what we call the cacodemons,” Nico explained.

“That or the Cocoa Puffs!” Hazel grinned. “They’re so cute, father, you have to meet them. Nico and Will are such good parents.”

“I wouldn’t call us parents,” Nico objected. Hades’ face was a strange colour, Apollo was leaning across the table for a high five from a refusing Will and Persephone was watching with an amused expression.

“So, William, you’re raising cacodemons with my son?” Hades spluttered.

“Can you raise fluffy balls of trauma?” Will once again asked the important questions of life. “I look after them sure. Kayla got me a cool shirt. It says ‘I’m not the step-dad I’m the dad who stepped up’.”

Hades looked more confused if that was at all possible.

“It’s really not a big deal,” Nico interjected.

“Your children aren’t a big deal?” Hades repeated.

“They aren’t human kids!”

“It still feels like something you should talk to me about.”

“What did you want me to say? ‘Oh hey, father, my boyfriend and I have come back from hell teen dads’?”

“I think the important thing,” Persephone stepped in, “is that the boys are safe and happy.”

Apollo cleared his throat and stood.

“My kid and Nico

They have lots of cute babies

I am a granddad.”

The whole table stared at him.

“It’s a haiku, people, keep up.” Apollo tutted as he sat down. There was silence.

Frank coughed. “So, um, does this mean Hazel and I have to take the Cocoa Puffs to get you presents for Fathers Day?”

Nico buried his head in his hands.

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