Roommates (AU)

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"Right, my rules as follows:

1. We're both back at sensible times and, if we're not, we're quiet. That's human decency. I don't want to hear you drunk.

2. Dates are your business but your one night stands are not until two in the morning and anyone serious coming over is cause for a heads up. I don't want to hear that.

3. We both pay for the Netflix account.

4. We don't needlessly make things awkward by forcing conversation. You live your life and I live mine. If they intersect, it happens. I'm sure we'll get over it.

5. There's a shopping list on the fridge. We take it in turns to go to the supermarket. Add things you want on the list because I don't check my phone whilst shopping.

6. Warn me at least a day in advance if you're going to have visitors over. I'd do the same for you but I never have visitors so you can assume that I'm just as surprised and/or terrified as you are.

7. Mrs. O'Leary is my dog. You can hug her and stroke her but she's mine. I take responsibility. Ask before you feed her anything and text me if you have a sudden, overwhelming urge to walk her.

8. If one of us is crying, we don't question it. We walk past. People cry all the time. It's none of your business.

9. Don't talk to next door. Yes, I know the neighbour is loud. However, he is also a dick and talking to him will only make him louder. Don't bother.

10. If you are racist, homophobic, transphobic, a religious persecutor or any other kind of discriminator, get up and leave. If you have friends who are any of that, they will be made to leave as well. I have standards for humanity.

That all good?"

Nico Di Angelo glowered at his new roommate, who nodded eagerly. He was sitting at the table opposite Nico, stroking the St. Bernard whom he'd adopted five years ago and randomly named Mrs. O'Leary. Nico would be lying if he denied being just a little bit jealous that Mrs. O'Leary had warmed to the newcomer so quickly.

"Alright," the boy said. Will, Nico reminded himself. William Solace. This was one name that he really would feel bad if he forgot. It wasn't as if Will would be particularly easy to forget anyway. Not only was he one of those people with an aura that instantly puts you at ease and one of those forever cheerful people but he was also remarkably attractive.

Nico stuck his hand out and Will shook it.

"I'll try be a good roommate," the blonde promised.

"Don't try, succeed," Nico growled.

"High expectations."

"I told you I had those. I don't kid."

"Evidently. You're like the Grim Reaper."

"Better that than the sun from the Teletubbies."

"I happen to think I'm pretty handsome for a ball of fiery gas."

"Don't you know it," Nico retorted, folding his arms and looking up at the boy who was annoyingly over six foot and almost a foot taller than him. Even with Nico's height, he usually intimidated people. He had an infamous death glare, dressed in only dark clothing and was practiced at threats. Despite that, Will started laughing.

"Oh, I like you already."

Nico scowled. "Whatever, sunny."

"Just you wait. We'll be best friends, Death Boy, I swear."

Part of Nico wondered why he didn't kick Will out right then and there. The other part of him was contributing to the faint blush on his cheeks. Will winked and turned to go collect his boxes from his car, leaving Nico to wonder what on earth he was getting himself into.

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