Car Users can Walk but Not to Canada

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Nico glanced up at his best friend's window. It was early morning and the sun dusted the thin sheets of ice and snow a rainbow of pale pinks and yellows.

Nico curled his hands into fists, regretting wearing fingerless gloves. He slid his puffer jacket's sleeves down over his hands and grabbed a handful of snow, smoothing it over with his fingers until it made a perfect sphere. Well, perhaps not perfect, but Nico rarely had perfect things.

He squinted, aimed and threw the snowball at the window. It sailed right through and there was a distinct sound of someone screaming. Oops.

A blond mop of messy curls stuck out of the window, snow clinging to the tightest coils.

"Nico!" Will yelled.

"I'm sorry!" Nico held his hands up. "I didn't know the window would be open! It's the middle of winter for gods' sakes, you weirdo!"

"I run on high temperature!" Will shouted, marching away from the window, likely to get dressed.

Nico waited, tapping his fingers against the wheels of his chair. His dad had been busy that morning but had dropped him off at Will's before heading to work. His sister, Bianca, was at university and Hazel had her horseriding club. His mother was dead. His stepmother was not someone he wanted to spend all day with. All in all, he'd been feeling rather bored.

He could hear Will's heavy footsteps plodding to the front door before it swung open. Will stood in his largest jacket - the one that made him looking like he was drowning in bright yellow fluff - and his knee-high fuzzy boots. He'd pulled a yellow beanie over his head with a white pom pom. The disgruntled look on his face did not match the rest of his ensemble.

"You could have knocked," he pointed out.

"That would have woken up your family," Nico protested.

"I woke up my family by screaming at the giant lump of snow falling on my head."

"I hope you apologised for that."

Will pinched his nose bridge and shook his head. He shut the door behind him and followed as Nico turned.

"At least keep to my speed," Will said. "You drive like a maniac with the electric power on."

"It's not my fault you're slow," Nico grumbled but he slowed down nonetheless. "Besides, snow is ableist. I had to get Persephone to help me change into my snow tires this morning."

"I can see that," Will replied, nodding to the bulky tires. "Looks like The Cocopuff got enlargement surgery."

Nico shot a glare at him. "Don't phrase it like that. And don't call my wheelchair The Cocopuff."

Will grinned, the expression falling comfortably and familiarly onto his dimpled face.

"What? But that's her name!"

"The brand is called The Cacodemon!"

"And she is called The Cocopuff. And the power on is called The Smaller Cocopuff."

"What's my cane then?"

"The Long Cocopuff."

Nico considered rolling over Will's foot.

"Your crutches are The Twin Cocopuffs," Will continued, "and your rollator is called The Rolly Cocopuff and-"

"I get the picture!" Nico sighed. "You're so annoying."

Will beamed. "I know."

Nico ducked his head to hide a small smile. Will could be sweet. But he still wasn't calling his mobility aids The Cocopuffs.

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