When In Rome

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Nico pried his eyes open, rolling over to see Will smiling down at him. Their limbs were entangled, their noses almost touching.

"Good morning," Will whispered, kissing Nico’s forehead.

"It's too early," Nico whined, pulling the covers around him and burrowing into Will’s warm chest.

"It's Christmas, Nico," Will reminded him.

"We're pagans."

"We like food and presents."

"Good point."

Will sat up and bent down to give Nico a soft, long kiss on the lips. He pulled back abruptly.

"I'm going to brush my teeth. You better be out of bed by the time I get back."

He promptly went off to the bathroom.

"That was mean," Nico complained but he did get up. They were staying in the Pluto Cabin at Camp Jupiter and sharing one of the small bunk beds. Hazel must have gotten up before them because her bed was made and her shoes gone.

The plan this year was for everyone to meet up in Camp Jupiter. Last year they spent Christmas at Camp Halfblood. With everybody here, Nico was both dreading the celebration and couldn't wait for it.

He pulled on jeans and the Christmas jumper Will had got him. It was black with snowflakes and big white letter in the middle that read 'A gay in the manger'. It took a lot of persuading for Will to get him to even bring it on the trip. Will thought it was hilarious. Nico thought he was pushing his luck.

Speaking of Will, he came out of the bathroom and beamed when he saw his boyfriend.

"You look fabulous."

Nico snorted. "What on Olympus are you wearing?"

Will looked down at his jumper with the words 'I'm sexy and I snow it' emblazoned across.

"This is called fashion, Di Angelo," he announced, wrapping his arms around Nico’s waist.

"A monstrosity, more like," Nico said as he lifted his hands to rest on Will’s shoulders.

"Do you not snow I'm sexy?"

"I know you're a dork."

"I'm wounded," Will teased. He leaned in and they kissed. Nico never wanted to stop. Will’s lips were so warm compared to outside but they had a Christmas lunch to get to. He pulled away reluctantly.

"They'll be expecting us."

Will pouted, leaning down to kiss Nico’s neck.

"They can wait."

"Will," Nico protested weakly but he could feel himself melting.

"Every day's a holiday when I'm near to you," Will quoted. Nico turned his head to capture Will’s lips in his again. He had just started to slip his hands under Will’s jumper when Will shook his head.

"You were right," he said softly. "We have go."

Nico batted him in the face with a sweater paw.

"You are such a tease."

"But you admit that I'm sexy?"


"Nico!" Hazel gathered him into a tight hug. "You're five minutes late. Come in, come in."

She hugged Will too and he hugged back. Nico was glad they got along. There had been that nagging doubt that they wouldn't but they were really close now.

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