Glitches, Oases and Mirages Pt2

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"Thanks again for letting us stay, Barney," Nico said. Barney raised a bushy brow.

"I'm many things, boy, but I ain't a racist. And I ain't going to the shops every day for fresh bagels."

Will smiled, slinging the bags he brought in the car over his shoulder.

"Thank you, sir," he said. He kissed Nico on the cheek before heading up to put his bags in Nico's room.

Barney raised a withered hand and shoved a pruned finger in Nico's face.

"No funny business," he grumbled. "You hear me?"

Nico felt his face heat up until he was sure he could cook marshmallows over it. Barney tusked and rolled his eyes.

"I wasn't talking about sex!" he scoffed. "Lord be, I was talking about slaughtering neighbours in my kitchen!"

Nico winced. "Sorry. You're being really great about the whole demigod and monsters thing."

"The real monster is my arthritis and your boy's shirt!"

Nico's laughter rolled off him in steady waves.

"I got him that shirt," he said.

Barney scowled. "Of course you fucking did. I'm going to bed. I'm too old for this shit."

He stumbled off to his downstairs bedroom as Will plodded down the staircase. Before Barney shut the door, he turned around and yelled, "And no sex either or you're fired!"

Nico snorted. Will reached out to place a warm hand on Nico's shoulder.

Catching Will's nervous look, Nico smiled.

"He doesn't really have the authority to fire me," he said.

"I heard that!" Barney called.

Nico rolled his eyes and tugged Will upstairs.

He shut the bedroom door behind him, pulling Will towards him by the hem of that stupid, gorgeous shirt. The bright sun was a fabric version of pathetic fallacy. Or it would be if Nico was cheesy like that.

Will's hands grasped at him, applying pressure that was familiar and disbelieving.

"You're here." Will breathed, tipping his forehead down to meet Nico's. Nico closed his eyes and smiled.

His hands slid up Will's arms. He could picture every freckle, every scar, every goosebump. He remembered seeing them hundreds of times before. Fuck, he remembered.

His palms rested flat against Will's biceps. His finger curled around Will's sleeves.

"I'm here," he said.

Will's hands settled on his hips. Nico breathed in Will's heavy exhale.

"I smell kitkat on your breath," he noted, opening his eyes. Will was watching him intently.

"I have some in my bag. You want one?"

Nico shook his head, bumping their noses together. "Not right now."

He pulled Will into a hug. One of his hands held Will's neck and the other slipped under Will's arm and clutched at his shirt. Will held back tightly. Nico could feel every hitch in breath and every muffled sob.

He kissed Will's shoulder, his collarbone, his neck, his earlobe, his cheek. He kissed everywhere he could reach while they were still entangled. When Will pulled back and cupped Nico's face, water tumbling down his cheeks, Nico kissed his tears too.

Without breaking eye contact, they clumsily toppled into bed. Nico assumed his position of clinging onto Will's back like a limpet, hiding his face between warm shoulder blades. He gently encouraged Will to take off his shirt and took of his own, his arm looping around Will's stomach and his leg around Will's waist.

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