Is This the Real Life?

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"Where is he?" Will demanded, shoving his way through the gathering of campers.

Kayla grabbed at his sleeve. He shook her off.

"Will, you need to listen to me," she pleaded. "He is not in his right state of mind. He's frightened and he's lashing out."

"I'm head medic and his friend. I can deal with it."

Will shoved open the infirmary doors and turned sharply down the corridor that lead to the private rooms.

Kayla followed after him, half-jogging to keep up. She slapped his hand off the  doorknob.

"William," she said firmly, placing herself between Will and the door. "Listen to me. He's currently under my care. You are not in a state to be seeing him. Come back when you're calmer."

Will shook his head, bile rising in his throat. Panic dragged its talons through the flesh of his neck.

"I need to see him."

"I'm telling you no. My patient's wellbeing is my highest priority. Look at yourself, Will. You're only going to hurt him."

Ice rushed through Will's veins. It petrified him but for the shaking of his hands.


He raked his hands through his hair, tugging harshly to ground himself.

"You're right," he muttered. "Fuck, you're right. I'm sorry. Can he hear us?"

Kayla visibly relaxed. Her stern expression melted into one of sympathy.

"No," she replied. "We had to ward his room to keep him from damaging the camp and himself. It's sound-proof, power-proof and just about every other kind of proof you can think of."

Will focused on his camp necklace, reaching down to hold it. Six beads. Six things.

1. The room was sound proof so he didn't cause a disturbance.

2. The room was safe.

3. Camp was safe.

4. Kayla was a good healer and a good person.

5. He had to be strong.

6. They could fix this.

"I'm sorry," he said. "I'm sorry, Kayla."

Kayla shook her head and pulled him into a hug.

"It's going to be okay," she assured him. "Nico's going to be alright."


As soon as Will stepped into the infirmary again, Kayla's sceptical eyes were on him like a hawk.

Will gave her a semblance of a smile.

"I'm fine," he said. "I just want to visit him."

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Kayla said, even as she lead him down the corridor. "I'm not that close to him and it was heartbreaking for me to see. I don't want you to go in there unprepared."

Will didn't blink. Flashes of war and destruction shot through his head like a machine gun.

"I'm prepared."

Kayla pressed her lips together in a thin line and unlocked the door.

Will almost flinched when he heard the bang and the key twisting in the lock.

His first thought, as he surveyed the white, sterile room, was that he was in the wrong place.

The bed was nothing but an unused mat on the floor. There were no vases or pictures or clothes. There weren't even any windows or furniture.

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