Dear Bianca

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Dear Bianca,

I miss you. It's been years since you left and I miss you more with each day. I decided to write to you, although I haven't since you died, because I met someone and I thought you'd like to know.

You would laugh if you saw him. He's my exact opposite. He has bright blue eyes and soft, blonde curls contrasting tan skin and thousands of freckles. I sometimes get the desire to run up to him and kiss every stupid freckle on his face.

He's a healer and a son of Apollo. He's saved my life more times than I'd like to admit. He has the stubbornness of a doctor too. It's incredible. When he sets his mind to something, you know he'll do it. He always finds away. He acts pretty optimistic most of the time but I know he gets scared. He's brave. He's very brave.

He gives the best hugs. They're warm and they make feel safe. He makes me feel safe. His smiles light up the room, his laughter is a sound from another world and any positive comment from him is enough to make me blush. I thought I was head over heels for Percy but this is something else entirely.

I started dating him a few weeks ago. It's still insane that he wants me to be with him. Even cheek kisses stop my brain from working. He likes cuddling and I like being held by him. He's good at kissing too but I'd rather not talk to you about that. I feel like I can do anything with him there.

His name's Will. I think I love him. I think you'd love him too.

Your loving brother,


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