Ch. 4

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Yibo woke a few hours after Zhan left. He got up and showered, dressed and gathered some clothes for Wangji and Wuxian. He was nervous about going to them but he was a doctor and needed to be professional. So he knocked first before entering the room. The two were awake and sitting in one bed together just cuddling.

"I brought you fresh clothes," Yibo said, "I will go make breakfast. Feel free to come out to the main room when you are ready. Xiao Zhan left for a bit but he will be back shortly...later today we can go shopping to get you some things. You two can stay here until we figure out how to get you back home."

"Thank you, Yibo," Wuxian said, "where did Xiao Zhan go this early?"

"Oh, his sister is pregnant and she just had her baby. He wanted to go see her but he will be back shortly," Yibo said.

"Oh," Wuxian said, "we will be out in a the way, how can you wear these clothes? They feel so...revealing."

"It's the type of clothes we wear in our world. It will help you fit in. We would not want to make you feel uncomfortable around other people," Yibo said, "you will get used to it. I will go make breakfast. Come out when you are refreshed."

Yibo left them alone. He then went to make breakfast. Zhan had just returned by the time Yibo started breakfast, "Hey Zhan Ge, how is she?" Yibo asked.

"She is doing fine," he said, "are the other two awake?"

"Yes, I hope you don't mind but I told them they can stay until we figure out how to get them back to their home," Yibo said, "and we would go shopping for them a bit later."

"I do not mind, they seem nice," Zhan said, "even though they seem to be our doppelgängers."

"I know, it's a bit creepy," Yibo said.

"Tell me about it. Lan Zhan and You look so identical. At least the eyes and long hair can make Lan Zhan stand out," Wuxian said entering with Lan Wangji.

"Did you two have a nice rest?" Zhan asked.

"Yes, thank you for the help," Wuxian said.

"It's not a problem," Zhan said.

"Zhan, you said your sister is fine but what about the baby?" Yibo asked.

"Oh, she had a healthy baby boy," Zhan said, "Cao Peixin."

"Hmm, even though he is just an infant, maybe he and Fanxing would make decent friends later. I'll have to talk to Haikuan about it," Yibo said.

"How is Fanxing? Your brother being single and adopting the boy, are they doing alright?" Zhan asked.

"Yes, he was....oh crap," Yibo said, "he was going to introduce Fanxing to us today..."

"I'm sure it will be fine, I do not think these two will not harm a three year old," Zhan said.

"Of course not, I love kids," Wuxian said, "I always loved the idea of teaching someday."

"You will, I'm sure," Wangji said.

"Even if I go back, I still can't use my sword," Wuxian said.

"Why did you stop using Suibian?" Wangji asked.

"I...." Wuxian was hesitant, "remember when the massacre happened?"

"Mnn," Wangji nodded.

"Well, Shijie and Jiang Cheng and I went into hiding afterwards. Jiang Cheng somehow got caught by Wen Chao and lost his golden core. Thanks to Wen Qing, I found a way to help giving him mine," Wuxian said.

"What?" Wangji asked, "You do not have your golden core? Does he even know?"

"No, and I never want him to know," Wuxian said sitting down.

"What was the process and the chances?" Wangji asked.

Yibo and Zhan exchanged a look. They could tell Wangji was getting agitated but it didn't seem to be at Wuxian.

"Well, the golden core is very fragile so she couldn't use took about three days to cut me open and transfer it to Jiang Cheng. The chances were only fifty percent," Wuxian answered, and closed his eyes as he didn't want to even know what Wangji looked like at the moment. Wangji was silent. Wuxian glanced at him and he was so stunned. He had never seen Wangji cry before, "Lan Zhan, I do not regret my decision. Even if Jiang Cheng now hates me, I still do not regret it."

"Wei Ying, the amount of times I misunderstood you, the amount of hate people gave you, the fact that you fought alone and I was not there," Wangji said, "that is what I am upset about. I wish you would have told me so much sooner."

"What would it have changed? I still probably would have ended up dead," Wuxian said.

"I'm not letting you fight alone anymore, never again," Wangji said, "those three months you went missing?"

"I was caught by Wen Chao a few days after the transfer happened. I was beaten and tortured before he flew me over the Burial Mounds and pushed me in. How I lived through probably the resentful energy. I can still feel the pain from the broken bones that I have," Wuxian said.

"Excuse me?" Yibo questioned with a concerned look on his face and went over to him.

He immediately started checking over Wuxian, "how are you even standing? We should take you in to get x-rays. I need to know what I am dealing with so I can help you."


"You better not argue," Wangji said.

Wuxian sighed and gave in. After they ate, they went to Yibo's office at the hospital. He then had taken several different x-ray shots of Wei Wuxian. Xiao Zhan helped him with what he could. They then looked at the images.

"Some of the breaks are already healed but the rest is a lot," Yibo said, "resetting them and making a cast for them will also be very easy but it will take some time."

"Lan Zhan, how do we not have this kind of stuff in our world? Taking pictures of bones!" Wuxian said.

"Well, maybe Wei Ying can fix that when we return. He has ways to make the impossible possible," Wangji told him.

"Flatterer," Wuxian said.

Before making casts, they decided to take Wuxian back to the house. Then Yibo gave him some medicine to help with the pain as he reset his bones and wrapped them in casts. As he was just about done, a knock came.

"I got it, Yibo, it's probably your brother," Zhan said.

"Mnn," Yibo hummed.

"Definitely like Lan Zhan," Wuxian said.

"Haikuan, come in," Zhan greeted and saw a little boy in his arms, "and who might you be?"

"This is Fanxing. I told you I'd bring him to let you and Yibo finally meet," Haikuan said.

"Well, since you are here, we could use your help with you are a scientist," Zhan said.

"Of course," Haikuan said, "what is it?"

"Yibo and I had some emergency patients last night and they are still here. The thing is, they say they aren't from this timeline...and they look just like Yibo and me," Zhan said.

Haikuan blinked a couple times, "can I meet them?"

"Sure," Zhan said, "come."

Haikuan is going to meet Wuxian and Wangji...and Haikuan looks like Xichen...what do you think will happen?

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