Ch. 30

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Wei Wuxian couldn't help but feel happy to see A'Yuan having fun and playing with someone his age. Living in the burial mounds is not something a child should endure, but unfortunately, A'Yuan did. Being on the beach now and watched the young boy play in the sand, building a sandcastle with Fanxing was a dream come true for Wuxian. He just wished Wen Qing and Wen Ning were here and not dead.

"Lan Zhan, want to go walk with me?" Wuxian asked.

"Mnn," Wangji nodded.

Wangji stood and helped Wuxian stand up. The held hands as the roamed the shoreline, "when we return, do you really want to go back to Gusu?" Wuxian asked, "I will follow you, it's just that...I have long had this dream to live as my parents once did. They were not confined within a sect and they could roam freely as they wanted. It probably for them killed in the end but thinking back, I do not want to be caged inside a sect forever, Lan Zhan."

Wangji smiled, "Wei Ying, I do not need to live in Gusu forever you know. I am an adult," Wangji looked over at the others then back at Wuxian, "I was once told that I am are my own person. I am old enough to make my own decisions. No matter where I grew up, or what rules I lived by, what matters most is what lies in my heart."

"And what does your heart tell you?" Wuxian asked.

"My heart is telling me, that you are all that I want, Wei Ying," Wangji replied, "I am an adult and it is time I start to live the way I want. My brother and uncle will eventually understand that. My brother might understand sooner than my uncle but if you do not want to live inside a sect, they we will not live in a sect. We can live freely and be together however we want."

Wuxian smiled, "I am glad...I just don't want you to make this decision just to make me happy. I want you happy as well. I don't want you to have any sort of fallout with your family. I am already trying to overcome guilt of ruining three families as it is."

"Three?" Wangji asked.

"The Jiang's, the Jin's, and the Wens. Maybe even my own parents," Wuxian answered.

Wangji held Wuxian's face in his hands, "you are not to blame for what happened to them. It is not your fault," Wangji told him.

"I know, but it's easier said then done to rid the heart of guilt," Wuxian said.

"Aunt Qing?" Wuxian heart A'Yuan say and spun around quickly.

"Wen Qing?" Wuxian asked and ran to her, "how did she get here?"

"I don't know, and why the beach?" Wangji asked and checked for a pulse. Wen Qing's body was washed ashore and she was covered in cuts, bruises, and burns.

"Yibo!" Wuxian called out.

Wang Yibo ran over and immediately took action. Xiao Zhan and Haikuan helped as well. Wangji and Wuxian stepped back to let them work.

"These burns are bad. She needs to be taken to the burn unit immediately," Yibo said, "she has restraint marks on her arms and legs, multiple lacerations, and bruises. She could have internal injuries too. She has a pulse but she needs immediate medical attention."

"Let's get her to the hospital," Xiao Zhan said.

"Wait, if Wen Qing is here, what about Wen Ning?" Wuxian asked.

"I will stay to scout the shore," Haikuan said.

"Let me help," Xichen said, "I can ride back with you then."

Haikuan nodded, "we will have the children here. I can take them to my parents on the way to meet you at the hospital."

"Alright," Yibo said and carefully lifted Wen Qing and took her to the car.

Though she was wet, she laid on both Wangji and Wuxian to keep her from rolling around to much. Yibo called ahead to ask for emergency assistance and when they arrived, Yibo went back to report his findings and help them with Wen Qing. Xiao Zhan brought Wangji and Wuxian to the waiting room before he went home to gather fresh clothes for everyone.

Wuxian and Wangji changed when Zhan returned but neither of them had heard anything about Wen Qing. Soon enough, Xichen and Haikuan came with a figure walking behind them. It was Wen Ning. He was still the Ghost General and was considered dead but not dead.

"Wen Ning! You are alive!" Wuxian said and hugged him.

"Wei Gongzi," Wen Ning said, "I am sorry."

Wuxian stepped back, "what do you mean?"

"My JieJie and I didn't mean for you to get hurt," Wen Ning said, "I am sorry."

"No need, it is in the past," Wuxian said.

"You should know, I carried Jie Jie out of a dungeon Jin Guangyao kept us in. He was using Xue Yang who has his own Yin Hu Fu to try and take control over me but it never worked. He wants to make Sect Leader Nie Mingjue into a corpse like me," Wen Ning explained.

"What?" Wuxian asked and looked at Wangji and Xichen.

"What else do you know?" Xichen asked.

"They were going to torture JieJie until she could no longer breathe. I had to get her out. I know we turned ourselves in but I couldn't hear her screaming anymore. I broke free and carried her away. Jin Guangyao threw this talisman at me and JieJie and I ended up on that beach," Wen Ning handed Wuxian the talisman.

"So it was Jin Guangyao making us disappear," Wuxian said and looked at the talisman, "I do not even know how he created something like this. He must have some forbidden books or something that I am unaware of. I can try to study this as best as I can but I am limited on resources. If I can figure this talisman out, maybe I can reverse it."

"Wei Ying, it is late and we don't know how Wen Qing is doing. We will look into it soon," Wangji said and looked at Wen Ning, "are you okay? Are you injured?"

"No, I am technically dead, nothing can really hurt me," Wen Ning said.

Xiao Zhan had been looking over Wen Ning the entire time. He noticed that there was something off about Wen Ning but he didn't know what. Xiao Zhan's eyes widened, "you are a conscious corpse?" He asked.

Wen Ning looked at him, "yes...why do you look like Wei Gongzi?"

"I do not know," Xiao Zhan said, "but I am Xiao Zhan. That man there is Haikuan, my boyfriend's older brother. My boyfriend looks like Wangji."

"Haikuan?" Wen Ning asked and looked at him.

Since Haikuan was a scientist he was so fascinated by Wen Ning, "wow, how is this possible?" He asked.

"Wei Gongzi made me," Wen Ning said.

"I didn't make you, you were dead, part of your consciousness was taken by a that fairy statue and I used the Yin Hu Fu to summon it and help bring you back. There is probably more to it as Lan Zhan was there for the final process but for the most part I did not really make him," Wuxian explained.

"I wonder if I should take you all to my lab, maybe I have things there that can help you?" Haikuan suggested.

"Maybe, let's wait for Wen Qing to get better first," Xiao Zhan said.

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