Ch. 19

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"This is your brother?" Xiao Zhan asked.

Wangji carefully lifted him up, "can you help him, he is covered in so much blood," Wangji sounded desperate.

"Come," Yibo said and led them to the medical room they lived in when they first arrived, "as I am not family, could you remove his forehead ribbon? I need to check for head injuries."

Wangji nodded and carefully removed it. He then stepped back to let Yibo do his job. Wuxian held onto Wangji for comfort, as he needed it right now.

"What is your brother's name?" Yibo asked as he removed his robes, leaving him in his pants.

"Lan Xichen," Wangji replied.

"He has numerous lacerations but I don't feel anything broken. These wounds aren't too deep either so I can get them clean and bandaged," Yibo said and turned to Zhan, "would you call my brother and maybe ask him for some of his clothes? He is the same size."

"It will be a weird request but I'm sure he will agree," Zhan said. There was then another loud noise from outside. Wangji went to check and saw it was A'Yuan. His eyes widened and wondered what was happening. He carefully picked him up and ran back in.

"Wei Ying?" He called.

"A'Yuan?" He asked, "what happened?"

"I don't know, maybe Cloud Recesses was attacked?" Wangji asked, "I can't bear to think about that."

"Is that a child?" Yibo asked when he returned with fresh bandages and materials to clean wounds.

"This is A'Yuan," Wuxian said.

Yibo took the child and carefully looked him over, "he has a slight fever but otherwise he is okay. No other injuries from what I can see. I'd have to take them into the clinic to have x-rays done to know if anything is broken. It is late so getting in will be difficult at this time."

Wuxian nodded and looked at the child, "Zewu Jun must have been looking after him then? You said he was in Cloud Recesses?"

"He was, how he and Xiongzhang got here, I have no idea," Wangji said, "we will have to wait for Xiongzhang to wake to ask."

"You are not quite ready to face him yet are you?" Wuxian asked.

"He was part of the reason you were alone and died," Wangji said.

"I can sort of understand his perspective," Wuxian said, "he is a sect leader and your older brother. Aside from your uncle he is your guardian. His judgment was swayed but he believed that I was a bad person and didn't want you involved with me."

"I understand his perspective too but I am still upset that he trusted someone else other than his own blood," Wangji said and left the room. He just went to their bedroom to calm down.

Wuxian sighed as Yibo looked at him, "will you be okay?"

Wuxian nodded, "we just need to talk with Zewu Jun when we can."

Zhan returned to see A'Yuan but Wangji was also not in the room, "who is this, what happened?"

"This is A'Yuan, and Lan Zhan is just in our bedroom. He is stressed out right now. He isn't sure if he is ready to face his brother yet. He's still quite upset with him," Wuxian answered.

"Mind if I go talk with him?" Zhan asked.

"Sure," Wuxian said.

"Zhan!" Yibo said. Xiao Zhan looked at Yibo but was suddenly engulfed by arms and lips invaded his own. Yibo was kissing him. This wasn't how Zhan imagined their first kiss would go but he could tell Yibo was stressed and needed it. Zhan relaxed and wrapped his arms around Yibo's neck before pulling away.

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