Ch. 12

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It was Monday, Zhan was sitting in the waiting room with Wangji to try and keep him calm while Wuxian was having surgery. Even Haikuan and Fanxing were there. Haikuan thought it would be nice for Wangji to have some extra support as he waited for Wuxian's surgery to finish.

"We have a while before they come out, my A'Jie is in today with Peixin for a check up. Do you three want to meet him?" Zhan asked.

Wangji thought it would be a good chance to pass the time and keep his nerves down, "alright," he said.

"This pager in my hand will let me know if the surgery ends sooner, did you want to hold onto it to calm you down?" Zhan asked. Wangji nodded and held the pager. It actually helped him feel a bit more at ease. After that, Zhan led Wangji, Fanxing, and Haikuan to the hospital room where his sister was, "A'Jie, good to see you again," Zhan said.

"A'Zhan, glad you came by, but who is this man by you and Haikuan? And who is the boy?" She asked.

"Xuan Lu, this is Lan Wangji, and this little guy is Fanxing, Haikuan's adopted son," Zhan said.

"Lan Wangji, you look a lot like Yibo," Xuan Lu said.

"I heard that a couple of times," Wangji said, "how is your baby?"

"He is healthy, just making sure he gets his check up done," Xuan Lu said.

"He looks handsome," Haikuan said, "is Yuchen not with you?"

"He is here somewhere...he had a phone call to make so he should be back," Xuan Lu said.

"I swear if he doesn't get his act together Zhou Cheng and I are going to teach him a thing or two," Zhan said.

"He will come around Zhan, this marriage was arranged. I might love him but I don't know his feelings towards me. All I know is now that we have a son, his family is happy they have another Cao," Xuan Lu said.

"Of course," Zhan said, "well, we just wanted to stop in. Wangji's partner is in surgery so we are just waiting to hear from the doctor."

"Wangji has a partner?" Xuan Lu asked.

"He looks like me, to be honest, his name is Wei Wuxian. He is a bit more lively than me though," Zhan said.

"Another Zhan in this world? Don't tell A'Cheng, he might freak out," Xuan Lu said.

Zhan laughed, "maybe I will just see so I can see him freak out."

"Don't tease him," Xuan Lu said.

"But I want to," Zhan said playfully.

Xuan Lu shook her head and looked at her baby, "your Uncle Zhan is so silly."

"That's because I am the fun uncle," Zhan said.

Xuan Lu giggled, "whatever you say A'Zhan."

The four eventually made their way back to the waiting room to hear from Yibo. As soon as they arrived, Zhan saw Yibo coming their way.

"Hey, Bo-Di, how was it?" Zhan asked.

"It was successful," Yibo said, "he is in recovery at the moment but he will have a VIP room set for him. You can go wait for him their."

Zhan nodded, "you did good, Yibo."

"I do try," Yibo said and walked off. Zhan explained everything to Wangji and then led him to the room where Wuxian would be taken too. Zhan had to get back to work so Haikuan and Fanxing would be with him anyway.

"See you a bit later Zhan, we will contact you if we need anything," Haikuan said.

"Okay," Zhan said and left to clock in.

Haikuan saw Wangji sit down on the chair and he then saw in the other chair beside him, "Wuxian will be okay. All he needs now is to rest and recover."

Wangji nodded, "thank you, I am just glad that Wei Ying is getting back on his feet slowly. He needs it. You don't know what he went through yet but I'm sure once you do, you will understand why he is the way he is. There are things I am still learning."

"We will be patient. There is no hurry," Haikuan said. Wuxian was then wheeled in by Ziyi and Yibo and transferred to the bed in the room. Wuxian was still a bit out of it as the anesthesia was still wearing off of him. It made him drowsy and couldn't keep his eyes open properly.

"He will be tired for a little while as the anesthesia is still wearing off. Let him sleep if he needs it. We will have a meal sent up for him shortly," Ziyi said, "I have a patient to get to but Yibo has some time if you need anything."

ZiYi then left leaving Yibo with the others, "so you have any questions right now?" Yibo asked.

"No, as long as he is alright, is he in any pain?" Wangji asked.

"He shouldn't be. We just gave him a nice dose of pain medicine so he should be okay. The incision on his abdomen needs time to heal so be careful not to irritate it," Yibo said.

Wangji nodded. Yibo then got paged to meet with his next patient, "I will be back shortly to check on him. If you need anything, hit this red button and a nurse will come in to help."

"Alright," Wangji said.

"The two nurses that roam the VIP floor are Jiyang and Bowen so either one of them will stop in every once in a while. Unless you need anything, just press the red call button to ask for assistance," Yibo explained.

"Okay, you should get going," Haikuan said, "I am here so it should be okay."

Yibo nodded and left the room. Wangji pulled a chair over and sat down beside Wuxian's bed. He then took his hand as he was a lot calmer now that Wuxian was out of the operating room. Haikuan smiled and sat down in his chair again with Fanxing on his lap. Fanxing ended up falling asleep. While Fanxing slept, Haikuan observed Wangji and Wuxian. Haikuan wished Yibo and Zhan were this open and talked more about how they felt about each other. They confessed that the two have not yet made any sort of advances. Haikuan could only shake his head and sigh at the two men. It seems like he will have to kick his brother's butt in gear, yet again.

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