Ch. 7 ⚠️

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⚠️ Sensitive content in this chapter. Content includes topics of childhood trauma and child abuse. ⚠️

Since Wuxian's bones were still recovering, he and Wangji decided to tell Yibo and Zhan their story. Haikuan wanted to hear about it as he was a scientist. Wangji and Wuxian were okay with sharing with him as well. Fanxing was there but he didn't seem to be interested in the story too much other than him coloring in a color book that he had with him. Xiao Zhan had crayons and color pencils for Fanxing to use so he let him do his own thing. They were all in the living room wanting to hear from these two magical beings.

"Who wants to talk first?" Zhan asked.

"Well, our story mixes from time to time," Wuxian said, "but Lan Zhan isn't one to talk much."

"I will just do this once, and if it's okay, may I share the beginning of mine first then you can share your beginning?" Wangji asked.

"Sure, if you feel uncomfortable tell me," Wuxian said.

Wangji took Wuxian's hand, "I will."

"Okay, go ahead," Wuxian said.

"Our world is different from this one," Wangji said, "we live in a world that involves five major sects. The Qinghe Nie Sect, the Lanling Jin Sect, the Yunmeng Jiang Sect, the Qishan Wen Sect and then my sect, The Gusu Lan Sect. Each sect has their own leader and council and then there is one cultivator who is known as the chief cultivator and is to take responsibility for the five sects."

"Like in our society where we have a government and presidents," Yibo said.

((I am obviously not from China and I don't pay too much attention to politics so I am making stuff up as I go I guess. Lol 😂))

"Yes," Wuxian said.

"My father was the leader of the Lan Sect," Wangji said, "he met my mother on a night hunt, and loved her at first sight...the people in my family are different. We have this gift but we also call it a curse, because when we fall in love with someone, it is eternal. We will choose no one else. So if something happens to our loved one, we will not marry again."

Wuxian was blushing greatly. He knew some of the history of the Lan Sect but during lectures he paid no mind to a lot of the teachings because he felt it was boring and useless to know things from a different sect he had no part in.

"Sounds interesting," Wuxian said, "shame on me for not paying attention."

Wangji smirked, "I can understand that you have a hard time concentrating."

Xiao Zhan was curious, "are you fidgety often, cannot focus often or when you do you hyper focus?"

"Yes, why?" Wuxian asked.

"I'd have to do a further examination on you, but you might have attention deficit disorder or ADD. It is a common thing and can be helped with proper treatment," Xiao Zhan said.

"We can look into that further a bit later, why don't you continue," Haikuan said to Wangji.

Wangji nodded, "it was said that my mother didn't love my father but there were some reasons for me to believe that wasn't true. I never came to know the reason for this but my mother killed one of my father's teachers, so to protect her, Father married her but he secluded himself and passed the sect leader position to my uncle. My mother was to live in a separate house from my father from then on. Though my father obviously met my mother a couple of times which resulted in my brother and me being born...he was born maybe two years before me."

"You never looked into why your mother did what she did?" Xiao Zhan asked.

"I didn't want to know. I felt angry with my father and never wanted to meet him. And after my brother and I were born, we could only visit our mother once a month. My mother was kind and I always looked forward to seeing her every month. I'd be busy studying but I still loved hearing her voice and she'd tease me a lot...maybe that is why I am attracted to Wei Ying so much. I love hearing him talk and laugh and he teases me a lot. No one has ever treated me like he has," Wangji says.

Wuxian blushed, "Lan Zhan," he said quietly.

Wangji ignored him and continued, "one day, it was after I turned five, and my brother and I were told that we were not to go see our mother anymore as she was no longer there. I was too young to understand and no one properly told me what really happened to her. I was and I still am, very stubborn. Every month I would go to my mother's house and kneel outside her door, waiting for it to open, but it never opened...Uncle would punish me, he made me write our family rules or I would be flogged or whipped but I would still go to my mother's and kneel every month...I got a severe fever after kneeling one day and my uncle finally told me that she was dead and I needed to get it in my head to stop what I was doing. Since then I became closed off, didn't talk much, I was bullied often but I didn't listen to them. My brother was the only person I would be close to, even if I didn't talk he'd know what I meant by looking at me. He told me he learned to read me through my micro expressions."

"Oh Lan Zhan," Wuxian said and turned to Wangji pulling him into a hug, "I am so sorry."

Wangji smiled, "it's okay. I may be hurt sometimes but since I met you, my life felt warm and comfortable again. I was always worried about you and wanted to be there and help you. I just didn't know what to do. I tried to talk to my brother but he was not listening to me, he'd listen to Jin Guangyao more than me."

Wei Wuxian replied, "Jin Guangyao? Did he ever seem like he'd be able to harm anyone? Or manipulate someone?"

"I don't know, it was him who said that if you came to Jin Ling's one month celebration and handed over the amulet, they would let you be there. I think they used me in sending the invitation to lure you out. I can't prove it though," Wangji said.

"We will tell our story and maybe these guys can help us. They may not know our world but they might have insight or opinions," Wuxian said.

Wangji nodded.

"Wangji, how do you feel after talking about your family?" Xiao Zhan asked.

Wangji smiled, "relieved, almost like I had something heavy taking off my back."

"Talking about your family and your life helps you recover a lot better. You'd find yourself a lot happier and more comfortable talking to someone about what is bothering you. If it is Wuxian, then it will be a good thing, as he is your partner. Sharing things with your partner means you trust them and can communicate with them," Xiao Zhan said.

Wangji nodded, "thank you, since I said that, why not listen to Wei Ying's story of his beginnings?"

"Just a warning, it is not going to be a nice story," Wuxian warned. Wangji already had his concerns but he would remain open minded about him and listen to what he has to say. He wants to know what Wei Wuxian has really been through.

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