Ch. 15 ⚠️

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⚠️This chapter contains some sensitive material. Talks of verbal abuse, depression, and other mental health problems. Remember if you are dealing with something like this, you are not alone. There is always someone out there willing to listen and help you.

You are loved ⚠️

"Did you want to continue? How much more do you have to tell?" Haikuan asked.

"Well," Wuxian replied, "after the war, we all went back to our respective sects. Somehow, Jin Guangshan, the sect leader of the Jin Sect, became the new Chief Cultivator but he didn't do anything to earn that title, I guess privilege was the key. He did not participate much in the war. His son did but not him. It was even said he contributed to the Wen Sect but it was never proven.

It became known that anyone with the surname Wen, was to be killed. They set up labor camps for them and even used them for experiments. It was made to look like it was not true but I found out the truth through Wen Qing. She was looking for her brother. I ran into her shortly after the shit show night hunt competition was held earlier that day."

"Shit show?" Yibo asked curiously.

"Well, the sects met up for a competition. Night hunts are usually a thing in our world. Hunting ghosts, Yao, and so on. The most amount of game you get for your sect will determine who wins. During the beginning, there was an archery competition. They used Wen prisoners and had them stand in front of targets. I was livid. To get them to back off I blindfolded myself and took five arrows and shot at the targets. I hit the bullseye missing each of the wens. They were then taken away.

Some arrogant Jin said if I was so good then I should remain blindfolded for the entire hunt. So I accepted...but I was chilling in a tree when I heard someone coming. They didn't have any harmful energy coming off them so I just thought they were just passing by..until I was pinned to the tree and kisse—"

Wangji covered Wuxian's mouth. Wuxian looked at Wangji with curious eyes. He forcefully moved Wangji's hand from his mouth, "what what that for? I was kissed, did you get jealous that someone stole my first kiss?" He asked Wangji.

"Your first kiss? Didn't you say you were experienced?" Wangji asked.

"If you actually believe that even though I am a flirt, I would actually go around kissing every cultivator I saw then you are extremely naive. I'm all talk and no action. No one would actually be willing to be with me," Wuxian told him, folding his arms, "...why would you assume I was telling the truth? Was that why you were so angry? You were punching and destroying trees."

Wangji sighed, "I lied as well. When you asked if I ever kissed anyone...I did but it was without their consent," Wangji said.

Wuxian looked at Wangji shocked, "who?"

"When you were blindfolded," Wangji said, not looking at him.

"That was you?!" Wuxian asked shocked, "you took my first kiss?" Wuxian thought about it for a moment. That kiss was familiar to the kisses he currently receives from Lan Wangji. He couldn't help but giggle, "good job, I am actually glad and relieved it was you."

"So you two kissed each other and didn't even know it at the time?" Haikuan asked with a smug look on his face. Wangji glared at Haikuan like he would glare at his own brother. Haikuan couldn't help but laugh, "what is that look for?"

"He's just trying to intimidate you," Wuxian said.

"What happened after the kiss?" Zhan asked as he wanted to get back on topic.

"I ran into Jin Zixuan with my shijie. He said something disrespectful to her and she was going to head back to the main entrance, but I stepped in before Jin Zixuan could say anything else to her. I asked him what his problem was. Our conversation didn't go far as he tried to strike me with his sword but Lan Zhan blocked it for me. Soon his...who was that man again?" He looked at Wangji.

"Jin Zixun, Jin Zixuan's cousin," Wangji answered.

"Right, he started talking about how I supposedly cheated during the night hunt by using my flute. There was no rule saying I couldn't use it. I had my own methods and so did everyone else. They were angry that one third of the prey ended up in the Jiang sect's traps," Wuxian explained, "words were exchanged..." tears started falling from Wuxian's eyes, "how my sect was unteachable and disrespectful. How it was harboring a demonic cultivator. They said I was a son of a servant and it basically made me feel so ashamed of myself. I was so angry and sad, and all I wanted was to get away. My shijie stepped in and demanded an apology and defended me but I just left. I found a bar and got some alcohol to help clear my head...I ran into Wen Qing. She asked me if I could help her find Wen Ning.."

Wangji placed his hand over Wuxian's mouth, "hey, stop talking for a moment," Wangji said calmly, "you are not feeling okay. I want you to try to calm down."

Wuxian shook his head and curled up in Wangji's arms, "help me," he said quietly, "it all still hurts."

Wangji held onto Wuxian tightly as he cried. Xiao Zhan left the room for a moment and went to his office to get a sedative for Wuxian. Unfortunately it was a needle and he knows Wuxian doesn't like needles too much.

"Hey," Xiao Zhan said when he returned. Wuxian looked at him, "I have a sedative here for you if you want to sleep for a bit. It will help calm you down."

"It sounds nice but it might not be a good idea," Wuxian said through his tears.

"Why?" Xiao Zhan asked.

"In the past when I took something to calm me down, I would have nightmares that often became night terrors and no one could wake me up from it," Wuxian said, "I could not only hurt myself but someone else as that would also be when the resentful energy in me would come out to protect me. It would keep others away from me by lashing out at them. No matter who it was."

"Alright, if you need it, let me know. Why don't we stop here for today though to let your mind rest for a bit," Xiao Zhan said.

Wuxian nodded. The others left the room leaving Wangji and Wuxian alone, "I'm sorry."

"No need to apologize. You did not do anything wrong," Wangji said, "I am here, and I am not going anywhere."

"I love you," Wuxian said in a whisper.

Wangji smiled and placed a kiss on Wuxian's forehead, "I love you too, Wei you can sleep if you want."

The two relaxed comfortably on the bed and Wuxian's head rested on Wangji's chest. Wangji's heartbeat was the best soothing agent for him as it lulled him to sleep within a few minutes.

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