Ch. 32

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Wen Qing woke up feeling a bit disoriented. It was to be expected as to what she had been through, but she also had no idea where she ended up. She remember just how horrible she was treated under Jin Guangyao and thought she was going to die. He Didi saved her but she had no idea where they ended up, or where her Didi was now.

"It's alright Miss Wen," a nurse said, "You are safe and in a medical facility. I am Nurse Bowen. I am here to check up on you."

Wen Qing looked at the man and was even more confused. She was in a room with so many different machines that she had never seen before, "Where am I?"

"You are at the Beijing Medical Hospital," Bowen answered, "Dr. Wang will be here in a moment to see you."

"My Didi?" Wen Qing asked.

"He is at home resting. He said he will be here to see you soon," Bowen said, "How are you feeling?"

"It hurts to move," she replied.

Bowen nodded, "You are suffering from many injuries and even several severe burns and broken bones. We can get you something for the pain. I will let Dr. Wang know before he comes in," he said.

"Okay," Wen Qing said and was then left on her own. Wang Yibo entered the room after a few minutes and Wen Qing was really confused now if she wasn't before, "Lan Er Gongzi?"

Wang Yibo smiled, "My name is Dr. Wang, but I have met Lan Wangji, and we do look quite similar," he said, "Like Lan Wangji, there are a few others that have traveled to this alternate reality. Wei Wuxian and your brother are also here."

"Wei Wuxian?" Wen Qing sat up quickly which in turn caused some pain with her movements.

"Easy," Yibo said and held her back gently, "He will be here shortly, you do not need to worry. Try not to move around to much as it could aggravate your injuries."

"Why do you look like Lan Wangji?" She asked.

"I am not sure, but my boyfriend looks like Wei Wuxian so it is very strange," Yibo said, "Bowen told me you are in some pain though. I can get you something for that."

Wen Qing sighed and nodded, "Thank you."

Yibo administered some pain medication within Wen Qing's IV, before leaving her to rest. After a couple hours, Wen Ning, Lan Wangji, and Wei Wuxian stopped by to visit. Lan Xichen was with them.

"Qing-Jie," Wuxian said, "you are awake."

"A'Ying!" Wen Qing said as she hugged him. She then looked at Wen Ning, "A'Ning."

"JieJie," Wen Ning said taking Wuxian's place and hugged her, "how are you feeling?"

"I feel better knowing that you are okay," she said.

"JieJie, how is your pain?" Wen Ning asked.

"It's not too bad, Dr. Wang gave me something for pain," she answered and looked at Wuxian, "are you mad at me?"

"Qing-Jie, I am not mad at you...I understood why you did it but I am just glad that I can see you should know, A'Yuan is still alive," Wuxian said.

"Will you bring him next time?" She asked.

"Of course," Wuxian said, "you need to rest first but I will bring him."

"I am guessing everyone else is dead though," Wen Qing said.

Wuxian looked down at the floor, "I am sorry."

"A'Ying, I do not blame you. Because of you, my family got a few extra years of life before they died. It's unfortunate but I am still grateful that you helped us," Wen Qing said and then looked him over, "you seem a bit different."

"What do you mean?" Wuxian asked.

"May I?" She asked holding out her hand. Wuxian knew what she wanted so he smiled and gave her his arm. She checked his spiritual passage ways and was beyond shocked, "How do you have your core again?"

"It's a new core," Wuxian said, "with Dr. Wang's help I have healed my old injuries and he repaired my damaged dantian. Lan Zhan found that since my core was removed not crushed, I could potentially cultivate a new one...I needed his help to do that though."

"How?" Wen Qing asked. Wuxian was hesitant and looked at Wangji, "A'Ying as someone who theorizes on the golden core, I need to know how you got it back. How is it that Wangji helped you?"

Wuxian cleared his throat, "dual cultivation," he answered and his cheeks turned a bright pink.

"A'Ying...look at you being all shy," Wen Qing teased, "it's about time you and Wangji got together."

Wuxian blinked a couple times, "what are you talking about?"

"Even I know that for the past few years I spent in the mounds, Lan Wangji is all you could think about," Wen Qing said.

"Qing-Jie, don't just out me like that," Wuxian said.

"Is Wei Ying actually flustered?" Wangji asked, "I didn't know that could happen."

Wuxian looked at Wangji, "Lan Zhan, do not tease me too!"

"I will," he said.

Yibo soon returned as his shift was over as well as Xiao Zhan who also just finished his work shift, "who are you, and why do you look like A'Ying?" Wen Qing asked, "don't tell me that you are just as shameless as A'Ying? I can barely handled him as it is?"

Xiao Zhan giggled, "I am Xiao Zhan, and other than our looks Wuxian and I are fairly different in terms of personality."

"Okay...when will I get out of this room?" Wen Qing asked.

"Qing-Jie, you are very injured and we are being respectful and not asking you what you went through. You need to rest. You will be able to leave when you are feeling a bit better," Wuxian said.

Wen Qing sighed, "I will talk about it but do I have to do that right now? It's a bit much to deal with."

"You can tell us when you are ready," Xiao Zhan said, "I imagine you are dealing with some post trauma."

Wen Qing nodded, "if you don't mind me asking, he is a doctor but what are you?" She pointed to Yibo.

"I am a psychiatrist, I specialize in mental disorders and mental health treatments," Xiao Zhan replies, "it's a type of doctor."

Wen Qing understood and then looked at Lan Xichen, "how are you here?" She asked.

Xichen smiled, "I saved A'Yuan from a mob of people trying to kill him. I fell from a cliff and ended up in this alternate reality with A'Yuan."

"You saved A'Yuan?" Wen Qing asked.

"Wangji brought him to Gusu after he found him in the mounds. I took care of him for Wangji as he went missing around the time Wuxian did. Turns out he was here," Xichen told her.

Wen Qing nodded and relaxed a bit, "alright," she said, "so what now?"

"Right now, you just need to recover," Wuxian said, "we are still trying to figure out how to get back to our timeline."

Wen Qing nodded, "so we just need to wait."

"Yes," Wuxian said.

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