~Chapter 1~

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Haneul's POV

Another day that I have to get up,go to school,come back home, and do my homework. I hate college. Why does the classes have to start at 7 freaking in the morning.

I got up from bed and went to the bathroom, I took a quick shower, brushed my teeth, did my hair in a messy bun and changed my pyjamas with a simple cargo jeans and a brown T-shirt

I got my bag and went downstairs to eat my breakfast. I went to the dining room and found my dad doing his work on his laptop. "Morning dad." I said.

"Good morning, sweetie. I wanted to tell you th-" He said, but I cut him off.

"That you are going to come home late at night. I know dad, don't worry." I said in a sarcastic tone and rolled my eyes.

He chuckled. "You know how everything is at work, Haneul. I also have work to do with NCT. " He says the last part in a serious tone.

"OK, I get it now. I gotta go because I'm gonna be late for class. Bye, dad. " I replied.

"Goodbye honey and don't forget what we talked about." He shouted

"I know." I shouted back and started heading to college.

Minhos's POV

I didn't slept all night. I was thinking everything that is happening at the time. I tried to think of a way to hit in Yejun's weakness but I failed.
"God this man has no weaknesses? That's  impossible!" I thought. I was in the kitchen, lost in my thouts when a voice brought me back.

"Minho are you alright?" Jeongin asked.

"Just thinking. Wait why are you up so early?"

"Don't tell that you forgot that I have to go to college." He said in a disappointed voice, grabbed an apple and took a bite.

"Yeah right. Sorry it's just all that Yejun matter that we have to deal and it just stress me out" I accepted.

He sighed. "Don't puss yourself so much hyung, it's not good for you" He said and gave a big smile.

I smiled back." I will try." I replied

He smiled again and went to the door

"I am leaving now! I am gonna be back by 5 in the afternoon!" He shouted from the front door.

"Be careful Jeongin!" I shouted back.

"Always!" He shouted again and left for college.

I chuckled at his response. I was waiting for Seugmin and everyone to wake up and discuss about the Yejun topic.

After 3 hours everyone was awake. I told everyone to be at the meeting room by 12:00AM while I was preparing everything for this meeting.

I was lost in my thouts,again, when everyone barged in screaming like kids.

"Yah Han give me back my pocket knife!" Changbin screamed

"Nope it's dangerous for short people like you!" He shouted back and chuckled like a kid.

"You are dead!" Changbin said and chased him inside the meeting room without noticing me.

"Why does Han have to stole Changbin's knifes all the time." Hyunjin said in a dramatic tone and rolled his eyes.

"I don't know." Chan shrugged while entering the room and watching Changbin chasing Han.

"WILL YOU TWO STOP BEHAVING LIKE YOU ARE FIVE!?" I shouted and everyone flinched.

"Sorry hyung...." Both of them apologised with low heads and Han gave back Changbin his knife.

I sighed and nodded for everyone to sit on their seats.

"What's the matter for this meeting Minho?" Felix asked.

"So everyone, you all know about Yejun and what he is trying to do" I paused and waited until everyone nodded. "I was trying to find his weakness but this man is like he is trying to hide something. Seungmin?" I continued and asked the younger boy

He shot his head up as a sing for me to continue.

"I want you to do a research about Kim Yejun in every document of the police and the delete ones." I commanded. We found out about three weeks ago some police document's that have been deleted years ago but we didn't bother to look at them.

"On it" He replied and started typing at his laptop.

"What are you trying to find about him? We have more important problems to deal with so why don't we try to find more informations about the Mafia Queen." Chan said.

The Mafia Queen..... This girl is so mysterious. No one knows who is she behind the mask. We tried to kidnap her once but we failed miserably, that's because she escaped. She is so talented at fighting and shooting. Rumours said that is young around our age and also that she started training at a young age for this position.

"Find what Chan? We tried everything and we failed." I paused for I while. "She is so fucking good at hiding." I thought. "Although she never did anything to destroy our plans so why don't we just leave her. If she does something against us that's when we are going to try and find her." I responded.

"You are right. Let's just wait and see what is she up to." He replied and I nodded.

"Seugmin did you find anything?" I asked him and he widened his eyes. "What happened?" I asked again.

"Kim Yejun.... he has a daughter....."


First chapter of this book!🥹🥳
Hope you like it<3

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