~Chapter 38~

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The last thing i remember was that i felt dizzy and passing out and  two strong arms catching me. I slowly open my eyes and look around me, only to realize that i was on the hospital. I glanced at me side to see a sleeping Minho, grabbing my hand and hi head was rested on the bed. I smiled slightly at how adorable he is. I moved my hand from his, i order not to wake him up, and slowly caressing his cheek, his cheek felt like he was crying; and fell asleep while crying. 

I softly played with his hair as i tried to wake him up. "Minho." I called his name a few times before he finally woke up. "Minho what happened? Were you crying?" I asked him softly as he looked at me. 

"Y/N? how are you feeling? Are you feeling alright?" He asked immediately as he took my hand, from his hair, in his hands rubbing my knuckles with his thumb. 

"Just feeling a little weak but i am ok." I said and smiled softly. He sighed in relief and looked at he concerned. " Are you ok though?" I asked and he looked at me confused; and concerned.

"Wh-why are you saying that?" He asked as he laughed awkwardly. 

"Minho, you were crying didn't you?" I asked him and he looked away from me. I sighed as grabbed his cheek gently and made him look at me. "Minho, please talk to me." I said softly and he sighed. 

"I mean you are in the hospital, you passed out on my hands, i was worried, everyone was." He said and looked me in the eyes before taking a deep breath and asking. "Can i ask you something?"

"Of course." I answered with a small smile. 

"Do you remember when you complained to me about your period cramps?" He said and my smile faded as i looked at him confused and nodded. "Well, they weren't period cramps." He said and i could see tears were building on his eyes.

"What do you mean they weren't period cramps, Minho, you are scaring me." I said and he looked at me as a tear fell from his eye. 

"Y/N you were pregnant." He finally said and i looked at confused; but mostly shocked. 

"What?" I whispered as i took my hand from his cheek. "You are joking right? Tell me you are joking." I said as my voice cracked and also tears started building on my eyes. 

"I am not joking, love. The doctor said you were 4 weeks but due to over work and stress you had the previous days your period came and with that you had a miscarriage. I am sorry." He said as he started crying again. "It's all my fault, I let you overwork yourself. I am sorry, I am sorry." He said and he looked down on his feet. 

I was pregnant. i was pregnant and i lost the baby. I started crying too t this point. I grabbed Minho's hand on mine as he looked at me. "Don't blame yourself, please." i said through tears and he just hugged me tight, i hugged him as tight as i could and we both just cried on each others embrace. 

After some time that we were just both crying i broke the hug and cupped his face on my hands. "Please don't blame yourself, you didn't know, i didn't know. If we knew we could have done everything and i know that but what is done, is done. We will move on sooner or later together. We together on this ok?" I said and wiped his tears with my thumbs. 

He nodded and said. "It's going to be hard and you know it, we both know it, but we will move on." He said and i nodded and i smiled softly at him as he smiled back. "And maybe we can try again, hm?" He said and we both laughed a little. 

I made some space on the hospital bed and laid beside me as i laid my head on his chest, he wrapped his one hand around my waist and the other he hugged me. "Are all the others alright?" I asked him. 

"They all were worried. I told them what happened and send them all to rest because today i think it was a big day." He said as he kissed the top of my head. 

"Yeah it was." I said and closed my eyes as i was hearing his heart beating and it was so calming. 

"Do you want to sleep?' He asked and i nodded on his chest. "Try and get some rest, it's late anyways." He said and kissed the top of my head again. I was fallen asleep immediately on the arms to the man that i love. 

Minho's POV

When i saw her crying when i told her what  happened my heart ached so much. Even if she is acting like it's going to be ok, i know deep down inside her she is broken and so am i. I glance down on her face and saw her fast asleep. I smiled at her sleeping figure before grabbing my phone, carefully not to wake her up, and going to the messages. 


"She woke up before 20 minutes Chan."

I messaged him and waited for his response. I know he is awake, Chan always stays awake because of his insomnia. Not long after he responded to my message.

"Do you want me to get here with the others? i can wake them up."

"No it's not necessary, let them sleep and come tomorrow morning because she also fell asleep. I just wanted to inform you that she is was awake."

"How did she got the news?"

"We cried a lot, both of us, but after some time she said we will move on when i know that deep down inside her she is suffering from this and i am scared how she is going to be when she will be discharged."

"Look for now let's just see how she is and when you guys come back home you guys will discuss it with each other because i know that the hospital is not the right place right now. Go and rest to for now Minho and we will see what we will we do tomorrow."

"Ok goodnight Chan, and thank you for everything." 

"There is nothing to thank me, i am just helping:). Good night Minho." 

I smiled at his last text. i am so glad that i have them as a family, as my brothers and one day i hope we have our little family with my love. i closed the phone and place it on the side. I kissed Y/N's forehead one last time before trying and get some sleep too.  

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