~Chapter 23~

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Haneul's POV

I am tired, I am just tired of being in bed, not able to move, not able to speak, not able to open my eyes. I don't know for how long i am in this condition. I just wish i could open my eyes again. I have tried so many time but never opened them, untill i just gave up. "I really wished you would be here mum." I wishpered in my head. 

"I am here, sweatheart." I heared her voice. I turned around and saw her watching my with a smile. I immediately ran to her hands. "You have to open your eyes hunney, you can do this." She said after some minutes as she held my cheeks. 

"I have tried so many times mum, but i can't." I told her as i was holding back my tears. 

"What did i told you before years?" She asked serious. 

"Never give up and the right time will come sooner or later." I answered her trying to sound serious. 

"That's my girl. Now do it, and remember i will always love you. I am so proud of you." She said as she smiled at me. 

"i love you too mum." I tolds her as i hugged her one last time. 

I tried openning my eyes, but immediately closed them from the bright light. I tried and opened them again, slowlly this time, and i did it. I opened them. I looked around the room if someone was here but no one was, only the flowers that Minho brought everytime and the chocolates that Changbin allways brought. 

As i was loo9king around the door opened reavilling a nurse. When she saw me awake she widdened her eyes and said. " Oh my god, you woke up. Doctor!" And run out.

After some seconds the doctor and the same nurse came inside the room and he started to examine me. "How are you feeling Mrs. Haneul?" He asked as he was done. 

"A little tired and my lower body hurts but i am fine i guess." I said as i shrugged. " Wait, how long i have been in a coma?" I asked as i looked at them. 

"You were in a coma for the past month." He said as i widdened my eyes. 

"Your fiancé and brothers have been comming every day, early in the morning and they are leaving late at night." The nurse said as the doctor left the room to go, god knows where.

"My fiancé?" I asked comfused. 

"Yes, Mr Lee Minho. He would allways coma and as you can she he allways brings flowers." As she said his name as my fiancé i blushed and she chuckled. "They will probably be here in half an hour." She said and smiled at me. 

"Thanks for telling me. Uhm can you do me a flavour and not tell them that i woke up, i want to surprise them." I said to her and she smiled at me. 

"Of course Mrs. Take rest for now." She said and bowed at me as she left the room. 

I smiled as i saw all the flowers that Minho had brought me. As i was admiring them, I heared loud voices from outside and immediatelly pretended to be in a coma. After some seconds the door o0pened and i could finally hear clearly their voices. 

"Hi, Haneul!" They all told at the same time and i tried hard to keep my smile. 

"Morning love." as soon as i heared the nickname my heart started beating fast. I don't know for how long i will be able to keep the act.

"I btought you chocolate!" Jeongin said and i could hear the sadness and the happines in his voice. 

"Yah, Changbin leave the chocolates. They are for Haneul." I heared Hyunjin sayin and i assume Changbin tried to get one of the chocolates. 

"Why? I am hungry and they have been here for long. She can't eat them, it will be bad to leave them." He said and i kept my laughter. 

I opened my eyes and said with a smirk. "Who said i can't eat them." 

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