~Chapter 17~

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Haneul's POV

"Alright, so it all started when i was a teenager, when i started behaving strangelly, and by that i mean, at the time i would laugh and in a matter of seconds i would be serious, for no reason at all." I paused a little and looked at him, to see he had tilted his haed and looked at me confused. "Can we please go somewhere else, less crowded." I asked nervous and he seammed to understand what i ment. 

"Uh, yea why don't we go at the mini coffee shop right beside the building?" He asked as we got to the lobby. 

"That would be great." I said and he smiled at me. 

"Let me just call Changbin and tell him that we will be there." He said and took his phone as i nodded. He called changbin and after he ended the call he said. "Let's go." And we started heading  to the caffee 

It wasn't that far so in five minutes we were there. We went inside and sat at the table that was as far away as possible from the others. A waitress came, took our orders and left. After som more minutes she came with our orders and left. 

"Alright, now tell me." He said and i sighed. 

"When i was kid Yejun never treated me right. He always abussed me and locked me up in the basement, without food or water, for hours and then the same thing reapeted. But when i was 8 he made me, no he did something that stills hunts me." I said and looked down in my feet. I don't like talking about it but i knew i had to tell him. 

"Which was?" He asked as he took a sip from his coffee.

"At first he... he wanted me to..." I paused again, words couldn't come out. "To kill my mother." When i told that he looked at me with wide eyes. "But when he saw that i couldn't and didn't want to... he did it himself... infront of me. After that he beated me again and left there, beside her lifeless body." I said as a tear run down cheek.

"Oh my god, Haneul i am so sorry that i made you remember this." He said with a soft voice that made me look at him and smile. 

"It's ok, sooner or later i would have told you all myself." I said, the smile never leaving my face, as i wiped my tears. "When i was finally ten he got me into the mafia world and started training me. I couldn't say no, because then the same thing would repeat. Of course he didn't stop hitting me but it was better." I laughed at my own words. "But later on, when i was twelve, i noticed something was off with me." I said and he looked at me confused, again.

"What do you mean 'something was off', i mean you went through so much." He said sounding a liitle angry. 

"It's not like that, it was and it is somtheng complicated. So, as i said back in the hospital, at the time i would laugh and in a matter of seconds i would be serious, for no reason at all, and the opposite thing. A lot of NCT's old members would tell that i did something like going to yard and started cursing until i was back, and my answer was 'when did i do that?' or 'i don't know what you are talking about.' because i couldn't remember doing something like that, and they looked at me wiredlly. After 4 years, when i was fourteen, i convinced Yejun to sent me to school, but i wasn't going to the school, but to different doctors. When i finally went to a, psychologist she told that i have a condition called 'split personality' or 'multiple personality'." I said and sighed looking down and then looked at Chan to see him more confused than before. 

"What do you mean when you say multiple personality?" He asked and tilted his head.

"Multiple personality is coused from a childhood trauma that someone has, mine is my mam's death and my abussive dad and a scene when he was hella mad because someone had sabotaged his plan and he took it out on me, by hitting me hard and i fell and hit my head, hard. It's a condition when someone... has multiple identities controlling their behavior. The only way to control this is going to a psychotherapist and some medicines when it's bad. I was so bad that i had and still have to take medicine especially when uh, i am stressed out or i have a mental break down. Remember when you guys came home and told me about Minho and i was breaking down until i just stood up and i was like i didn't cried?" I asked him and he seammed to remember it when he widdened his eyes.

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