~Chapter 3~

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Minho's POV

"Jeongin is on his way here." Felix said after he ended the call with Jeongin.

Seugmin found out that Yejun has a daughter in our age. Kim Haneul, that's her name. That's what he told us.

"I think i have heard that name before!" I thought as I faced the others to see that they are also thinking something.

It was silence for a good five minutes until Hyunjin broke it. "Am i the only one that i think i have heard that name before, but i can't remember from where;" He asked, and everyone moved their head, agreeing with him.

"Me too!" We all replied at the same time, and we chuckled at our synchronization.

After ten minutes of waiting, Jeongin finally came breathing heavily.

"Sorry, I am late. After Felix called, I left immediately. What is so important that i had to skip classes;" He spoke as he sat down on his seat.

"Yeah, about that, sorry for making you skip classes, but it's argent. It's about Yejun." Changbin said, and Jeongin immidiately widened his eyes.

"What; Really; But how, we had searched everything, but we never found anything. How come now and what did we find;" he talked fast and in surprise in his tone.

"Seugmin knows, he didn't tell us. He waited for you." Han answered and looked at Seugmin to start spilling what he found.

"Remember when I found three weeks ago about some files that were deleted before 21 years;" He said, and we all nodded and continued. "So these files were about Kim Yejun and his daughter Kim Haneul." He ended, and Jeongin dot up from his seat with wide eyes.

"WHAT!" He shouted and stood up aggressively. "No, this can't be real, no!" he said and paused for a second.

"What's wrong, Jeongin? What's going on;" I asked him, and he ran his hand on his hair and sighed deeply, and i tilted my head at his actions.

"Now it all makes sense." He said, and we all looked at him with confusion. "That's why she never talked about her family and never told me where her house is. God, how stupid i am!" He said the last part with gritted teeth.

"Hey, hey Jeongin!" I grabbed him by the shoulders. "Calm down and tell us what you mean." I told and made him sit in his seat. He sat down and took deep breaths to calm down.

"Alight so Kim Haneul-na oes to the same college as me, and we are at the same classes." He said and paused for a few seconds. "And she is my best friend..." He said and sighed. Everyone looked at fim with wide eyes.

"Got you now, Yejun. How are you going to react when I'm gonna get your precious daughter." I thought and smirked.

That's when Felix popped up and said. "That's we all thought we have heard her name. Because Jeongin has mentioned her before!"

"Yeah, you are right." Hyunjin mumbled to him.

"So what do we do now;" Chan asked, and everyone turned their attention to me, but Jeongin looked at me with pleading eyes like he knew what i was thinking, and I had a smirk.

"Well...... We will take her as our hostage and use her as our leverage so that we can threaten Yejun and make him step out of this world." I told everyone and smirked again at my idea. "And for that Jeongin-" I stopped to look at him and see him with pleading eyes.

"No hyung, please don't tell me to spy on her to see her moves and where she lives. Please, she is my best friend. I can't do that to her." He said with broken voice like he is about to cry;

"Jeongin, listen to me." I said as I knelt in front of him. "She is our biggest enemy's daughter. Yejun tried to break in our previous house and almost succeeded. The fact that she never told you about her family is because of her identity." I sighed and looked away for a few seconds and then back at our younger boy. "Look, I promise you, you will not spy on her, Chan and Seugmin will do it...." I said as I looked at them, and they nodded at me, and i nodded back. "And while she is here, we are not going to harm her, ok?" i said and looked him deep in the eyes to see that there were tears threated to fall from his eyes.

"Promise me, hyung," he said with a cracking voice.

"Promise." I said as i smiled sweetly to calm him down.

"Thank you." He said as a tear left eye, and he hugged me. I was taken back but immediately responded by hugging him back.

As I backed away and said. "The only thing that i want you to do is to behave as you behaved before you find out about this and just to inform us how she is behaving ok;"

"Alright..." he said with a sigh and wiped his tears.

"Alright, everyone." I said as I stood up. "Let's start the plan then." Everyone nodded, and we started to make our mission

'Kidnapping Kim Haneul'


Wow, what happened here?
Will Minho keep his promise to Jeongin?

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