~Chapter 27~

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Disclaimer: This chapter contains sexual scenes if you don't feel comfortable you can skip this part

Haneul's POV

He started kissing my neck, at first he gave batterfly kisses but then he started bitting it, and i layed my head down to give him more access, He eventually went to my collarbone and i bitted my lower to keep my moans. In a matter of seconds he took off my shirt and my bra and started kissing my boobs, his one hand was playing with my nipple and his other hand was masaging my clint as i arched my back and moaned quitlly in order not to make any weirdest noises. 

He eventually started going down giving mw batterfly kisses in my stomach, my belly untill he got to my pants. He riped them off pants and underwear, he licked his lips before atacking my clint, licking it. I let out some messive moans of pleasue. After some minutes he put one finger inside me, going in and out slowlly at first as i moaned louder. After some time of slowlly going in and out he put second finger and started going faster. 

"Moan for me kitten." He said and i couldn'y hold bac my moans. "That's my girl.' He said and after some minutes he stoped and i looked at him to see him undressing himself.

When he took off his shirt i was staring at his well build abs as i licked at my lips and looking at him to see him smirking at me. He got on top off me and kissed me passionately than hungrily. When he broke the kiss he loked me in the eyes. 

"Are you sure about this?" He asked and his care about me gave me batterflys. Honestly i was a little scared because of the past but i trusted Minho and i want this. 

"Yes." I said not breaking the eye contact as he smirked and kissed me again, ore hangrily this time. 

While he was kissing me he put his member slowlly inside me and i arched my back, again. He started moving in and out slowlly as i moaned in plesure. He started kissing my neck and also started to go faster. 

"Gosh you are so beautifull." he said as he went even faster and i cried out in plesure. 

"Ye-Yes Minho." I moaned as i felt myself reaching my max. 

"Are you going to cum." He said and nodded as he fastened his rythm and i bited me lower lip. 

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck." I said as felt myself cuming on his member. 

He went even faster as he cumed too, inside me. After he reached his jhighe too hi clapsed beside me on the bed. He put his hands on my weist hugging me and pulled me closer to him. I snaggled my face on his chest as i hagged him too. 

End sexual scene

"You were perfect." He sadi and caressed my hair. "I love you." He said and kissed my forhead. 

"I love you too." I said softly before falling asleep on his arms.


I woke up by the sun hitting my face. I loo9ked at mi side to see Minho staring at me with a smile. Images of yesterday night flaashed on my head as i bllushed and hid my face on his chest. I heard him chuckle before saying. 

"Good morning beautifull." he said and kissed the top of my head. 

"Good mor-" I wasn't able to complete my sentence as the door of the room bursted open. 

"Morning yo- Oh my god." Jeongin came in and as soon as Minho saw hi covered us both with the blanket and Jeongin covere his eyes. "Sorry didn't mean to burst in. I am leavin, bye." He said uncomfortable. 

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