~Chapter 16~

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Haneul's POV

I couldn't sleep last night. I knew that the doctor might tell me to start again with my medicines. Hopefully, no one sked farther why i was late yesterday. I turned to see that it was 5AM in the morning. I just got up from bed and tok a warm sower. After i got out i dressed up into a simple bell-bottomed jeans with a shirt and a sweater.

I got down to the dinning room and strarted preparing breakfast for the boys. Their mission is at 8AM and now it's 5:45, so i thought to make breakfast for the before they leave. But before i started preparing the food, i first took my medicine and then started baking some pancakes. 

As i was done preparing them and started the baking, Chan came down the stairs ans stopped at his feet when he saw me. 

"Yah, you scared the shit out of me!"He said as he took deep breaths to calm down and i just laughed at him. "What are you doing up so early?" He asked after he calmed down. 

"I actually couldn't sleep all night. So i thought why don't i make breakfast before they leave, and here i am." I said as i smiled at him and gestured my hands at the pancakes. 

"You know you didn't have to." He said as he got to the fridge and grabed a bottle of water. 

"It's fine, really." I said as continued cooking. "Oh and can i ask you something?"

"Yeah, what is it?"

"First, if you can go and grab some of Minho's clothes and second, is it ok if i borrow a car and go to the hosital alone later?" I asked a little nervous. 

"yes, you can. Let me just bring you the key so that you can leave when you want and also the clothes." he said as he smiled at me. 

"Really? Well. tha-" I couldn't finish my sentence as i felt dizzy and stabled back. As i was about to fall, Chan cought me. 

"Woah, woah woah, Haneul are you ok? Here sit. Let me bring you some water."  He said panicking as he helped me sit on a chair and speed to bring me the water. As i slowlly drank the wate he take out te last pancake and came back to me. By the time he came, i was done with my water and placed the glass on the table. "What happened all of the sudden?" He aske he looked at me up and down. 

"Remember my appointment from yesterday?" I waited as he nodded for me to continue. "The problem that i have got back and they gave again some medicines that i used to get before years and because i hadn't took them for long time the made me feelling my head heavy and dizzy." I fifshed and he looked at me face.

"You look so pale t the momment. What is this problem that you have?" He asked worried. 

"It's complicated to tell you right now, especially when you have a mission to attend. I will be fine that was just for a momment. I will tell you when you get back from th mission, ok?" I said and looked at him.

"When we get to the horpital, we will talk about this and i don't want a no as an answer." He said and i gave him a small smile. 

"Fine then."

"Alright let me grab the things that you need and wake everyone."

"Ok. I am gonna go to the living room."

"Will you be ok? Before you go to the hospital try and get some rest, please?"

"I will try." I said and he smiled at me and i returned the smile. 

As i tried to got up i felt dizzy again and fell back to the chair. 

"Hey, are you ok?"

 "Yeah, just feelling little dizzy." I said as i rubbed my temples. 

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