~Chapter 31~

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Haneul's POV

It's 2 days later, that days nothing happened we were just practicing or chilling around. We only have 3 days to think of a plan that it will take Yejun out. It's currently 6 PM and i am just chilling on the balcony of my room, trying to make up my mind. 

I was lost in my thoughts until someone came to the room and brought me back to reality.

"Haneul?" Changbin said as he came to the balcony. 

"Huh, oh hey Changbin." I said and smiled at him. 

"Are you ok?" He asked a little confused. 

"Yeah, i was just thinking." I responded and looked at the view, a little forest. I gestured him to sit on the chair beside me and as he sat he said. 

"May i ask what were you thinking?" He said and i looked at him as i shrugged. 

"Nothing much. More like i am anxious than thinking." I said and chuckled. 

"Anxious for Thursday?" He asked and i nodded. "You know you don't have to be. We will do it, once and for all." He said and i smiled at him. 

"I now we will but it's just that thought in the back that always tells me 'What if you fail' or 'What are you going to do if he gets what he wants' and that makes me anxious." I sighed and he looked at me sympathetically. 

"I know how you feel." He says and looks at the sky. "I always have thoughts, like those in the back of my head, when we go on a mission and i always go and talk with everyone because i know that they will help. Try and talk about them." He said and looked at me again. "Don't keep them only for yourself. Especially when you have people that care about you." He said and smiled at me and i returned the smile. 

"Thank you Changbin, that means a lot." I said and he nodded. "Now what do you want. It's not like you to come and check me up." I said in a serious voice and he shimmed to be taken back and i laughed at him. "I am just kidding. You should have seen your face." I said while laughing and he laughed too.

"Well honestly i wanted to tell you something." He said and laughed again. "Minho wants us all in the meeting room by 7 so that we can make a plan." He said and i nodded. "Do you want me to leave you alone?" He asked and i shrugged. 

"I don't mind, do as you want." I said and gave him a small smile and he nodded. 

"I will leave you alone. I know times like this you need some time alone." He said as he stood up to leave and i chuckled. 

Before he could leave the balcony i called him out. "Hey Changbin." And he turned to me. "Thank you for that talk, it really helped me a little." I said and smiled at him as he smiled back and nodded before leaving me alone. 

I decided to put on some relaxing music so i can clear my head a little. As i was listening to Lana Del Ray I heard the door opening again and someone coming in but i didn't   look at them. 

"Hey girl~" Hyunjin said and sat beside me. "What are you doing?~" He asked in a silly way and i laughed at him. 

"Just listening to some music, you?" I asked as i looked at him. 

"Bored as fuck." He said as he pouted. "I see you have a taste in music, except for clothes." he said and i looked at him offended. 

"Excuse me?!" I asked him and he chuckled. 

"I am kidding relax bitch." He said and i glared at him. 

"What do you want?" I asked him serious. 

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