~Chapter 6~

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Haneul's POV

It's been two days since I have been here. I haven't eat and I haven't slept. I just can't, my stubbornes is getting over me. I have been in that room alone, only Jeongin comes here to bring food and tries to make up things with me, I appreciate it an honestly I can't stay mad with him for long but I just can forgive him yet. Han comes too to check my wound and he is actually a nice guy, he tried to build a friendship but I am just to stubborn to be friendly.

It's the time that Jeongin is bringing me breakfast. Like always he comes and leave the tray with food in the nightstand and sits on the bed with me to talk.

"Hi!" He said as he came inside with always that big smile.

"Hi." I responded and he clearly heard the tiredness in my voice.

"Haneul.... Please don't be so stubborn and eat. It's not good for your health." He said in a disappointed voice.

"I'm not hungry ok-" I said with an angry voice as I got up and fest dizzy and sat down massaging my temples.

"Haneul! Hey are you ok?" He sprinted to me, as he was at the door, and asked with a worry face.

"Yeah, I'm fine just feeling a little dizzy." I said as everything started spinning and gatting blurry.

Before I knew it, I fell unconsious. The last thing that IHeard was Jeongin shouting for Han.


I slowly started to opened my eyes but closed them because of the strong lights. I tried to open them again, when I did, I scanned the room and realised that I was still in the room i was but not alone, Jeongin, Han, the Minho guy and two new faces were here. 

"Wh- What happened." I said as i tried to sit up but with no luck, my head is so heavy right now.

"Haneul!" Jeongin said and came running to my bed, because the were in the corner talking about something. "Are you ok? How are you feeling?" He asked with worry in his tone and so fast I couldn"t process what he said.

"Jeongin, calm down. She just woke up, let her breath." One of the new faces said."

"Sorry." He sain with an awkward smile.

"What happ- How long was I asleep?" I asked with a confused face as I sit up and stand at the head of the bed.

"You have been sleeping for almost 9 hours, it's 17:40 PM now." Minho saod with cold tone.

"You fainted because of weakness, not eating and not sleeping for two days." Han informed me and sat on the edge of the bet. "How are you feeling now?" He asked and looked at me.

"My head is heavy and I'm feeling like a can't move from tiredness." I said as I rested my haed backwards.

"Eat something Haneul." The second new face said.

"I will." I said as I closed my eyes for a second. 

"Hyunjin, when she is done eating give her clothes and lead her to the bathroom to take a shower." Monho said and, looked at the Hyunjin guy and he nodded. After that he left the room with everyone except Jeongin and Hyunjin.

After they left, Jeongin brought me the food to eat. While I was eating I could feel them staring at me.

"You know, it's rude staring someone." I said as I was done eating and they cleared their throat.

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