~Chapter 32~

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Minho's POV

As we got to the meeting room everyone got on their seats around the table with the map. 

"Ok, so where exactly is the warehouse?" I asked as i looked at Haneul and she looked at the map and started searching the location. 

"It's here." She said and pointed at a place. "It's in the woods." she added and i nodded.

"We can go and surround from everywhere and use the bushes and the trees for cover until we can go inside." Seungmin said. 

"The warehouse has cameras so we must be careful because when they detect unknown faces they set off an alarm." Haneul said. 

"I can try and hack them so that we can move around the house freely without getting caught." Seungmin added and we all nodded. 

"So Seungmin you hack the cameras for us to go around without being afraid to get caught." I said and he nodded. "Now we have 4 directions that we can go, the front, the back, the left and the right. We won't get in from the front, there will only be someone hidden in case other NCT members comes, so that makes us have 3 directions." I said and looked at them. 

"We can go three people from every direction and the when we get in and get our target, one team can go to the front and the back just in case." Changbin said and i nodded. 

"That's what we will do and another person from another team will go so that they can spilt into two teams of two, one on the front and the other on the back." I added and the agreed. 

"Now for the teams how are we gonna split?" Hyunjin said and i thought about is before i answered. 

"The team that goes from the back will be Jeongin, Hyunjin and Seungmin, the team from the left will be Han, Felix, Changbin and the team from the left will be me, Haneul and Chan, is that clear?" I asked and they all said yes.

"When we are in and get the targets the ones that will be out is Jeonjin, Hyunjin, Felix and Changbin, so that Seungmin will stay in and checking the cameras and Han to check if someone is hurt." Chan said and everyone nodded. 

"What weapons we will have?" Han asked and i looked at Hyunjin. 

"We will have a simple AP-Pistol and a pocket knife and let's just say i prepared some special guns just for this fight." He said and smirked at us while we were looking at him confused. "I will be right back." He said and left the room while we were left confused. After some minutes he came back with something that left us all in shock. "Everyone meet me new baby, M16 rifle." He said and had a proud smile. 

"Did you really made that?" Haneul asked shocked and he nodded. 

"So we all are going to have one of these with us." He also said and we all nodded as he put the gun down. 

"Alright is there something that we forgot to say?" I asked. 

"Are we going to have back up? Like Got7?" Jeongin asked.

"No. This is between us and him. We don't have to involve the others." I said and he nodded. "Alright someone else that wants to ask something?" I said and everyone shook their heads. "Ok then, you all are free to go and rest." I said and everyone left the room, except Haneul who seemed distracted. "Hun are you ok?" I asked and she seemed a little flustered. 

"Hmm, uh yeah i am fine." She said and smiled at me. 

"Are you sure? You seem a little bit off." I stated and she sighed. 

"Just thinking nothing much." She said as i approached and kissed the top of her head. 

"Do you wanna talk about those thoughts that you have?" I asked her softly as i rubbed her back. 

"Yeah." She said softly and got up. We went to our room and i closed the door behind me as she said. 

Haneul's POV

"Let's go to the balcony." I suggested and he looked at me before nodding. We went to out and sat on the chairs, he was sitting beside me. I just stayed silence for some minutes before i said. "It's just some negative thoughts that keep bothering me." I said looking at the forest. 

"What thoughts?" He asked and i sighed. 

"The most common one, like 'What if we fail and he ends up win' or 'Are we going to make it?' and they just keep bothering me and stressing me even more." I said as i looked at him and he had a little smile. 

"You know it's normal to have those thoughts at time like this. Most of the members have thoughts like that, even me." He said and chuckled. 

"How aren't you stressed out, like what if they come true?" I asked him and he looked at the sky. 

"Because i can't know what is about to happen. They are stressing me, yes, but i try to prepare myself for everything." He said and finally looked at me. "Just don't keep them for yourself." He added and i smiled at him. 

"Thank you Minho." I said and he smiled at me. 

"No need to thank me jagiya." He said and i rested my head on his shoulder. "And." He said and looked at me.

"And?" I asked him confused and he smirked at me.

"I can make you forget this thoughts, at least for a while." He said and i looked at him confused at first but then it hit me and i looked at him with wide eyes as his smirk grew bigger. He stand up and trapped on the chair as he had both his hands on my sides. 

"Right now?" I asked a little taken aback and he hummed while nodded. I came inches away from his lips as i felt his hot breath on my lips. "How about, no" I said and smiled innocently at him as he frowned and left me as he went inside the room. I followed him and when i was inside i closed the door from the balcony and he was about to leave the room. "Where are you going?" I asked him as i approached him. 

"To take a shower." He said sadly as he looked at me and then he was about to open the door and i pinned him against the wall. 

"Why would you take a shower now when later you will need to shower again." I said with a smirk and he was taken aback with my action but then smirked. 

"We are playing games huh?" He said and i giggled. 

"Maybe yes, or maybe not." I said innocently and he bitted his lower lip. "Don't do that." I moaned and he smiled. 

"Why is it turning you on?" He asked innocently. 

"Yes." I answered him shortly and smashed my lips with his, kissing him passionately at first, then the kiss turned out to be a hungry kiss as he bitted my lower lip for access and i moaned inti the kiss. 

He lifted me off the floor and i rapped my legs around his waist as he went to our bed. He pinned my hands above my head as he started giving me butterfly kisses on my neck as i tried to keep my moans in control and rest my head back to give him more access. 

{I will let you'll your imaginations to continue this because i am not doing this again to myself}


The 'big' day is coming you'll. 

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