~Chapter 34~

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Minho's POV 

The last thing i remember was Hanul's words 'i am sorry, i hope you understand and forgive me one day.' before passing out. That means, she betrayed us, she betrayed me. Those thoughts kept repeating in my head.  I don't know for how long i have been out, but i hear people talking in front of me. 

"Bring a bucket of water to wake him up, i can't wait to see him suffer." I heard a male voice saying and i assume it's Yejun. 

"It's not necessary. I hit him on a spot that he is going to wake up soon." I herd e very familiar voice saying, Haneul. My heart broke  into pieces hearing her. 

I groaned to give them the message that i am waking up. As soon as i opened my eyes i saw Yejun standing in front of me but i immediately looked behind him and saw Haneul, guilt was written in her eyes but she had a smirk and the NCT members surrounding us. 

"Look who is finally awake." Yejun said but i wasn't looking at him, but at the girl that betrayed me. 

"You betrayed me." Was the first thing that came out of my mouth as tears threatened to fall from my eyes but i held them back. She looked at the floor as i said that. "You lied to me." I continue and my words triggered her i can see that. "I loved you." I said as a tear fell from my eyes and i can she her shutting her eyes tightly. Soon after i said that, Yejun grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him. 

"And you are telling me that YOU are the top mafia of Seoul when a fragile girl manipulated you and you trusted her." He laughed and looked at her and then back at me, saying. "How pathetic." And let go of my chin harshly. 

"How long?" I asked and they both looked at me.

"From the start." Yejun said and smirked. "We new when and where were you going to take her, where Jeongin belongs, where your base was, your deals, EVERYTHING." He said and started laughing. 

"It was all a lie." I said and laughed. "I should have never trusted you and just kill you in the first place." I said and looked at Haneul to see her looking somewhere else.

"Finally you got the point Minho." She said with a low voice and finally locked eyes with me. No one broke the eye contact, no one dared, until i felt something hitting my cheek. 

"Eyes on me you bastard." Yejun said with greeted teeth and i looked at him. 

"Why? What are you gonna do? Kill me? Do it." I dared him and he laughed. 

"Oh trust me i will kill you but with my way." He said and smiled evilly at me. 

"And what's your way?" I asked him. 

"The slow way." He said and smirk as one member opened another light on the room that was above a table with different weapons. "And with them." He said and pointed at the table still smirking as i widened my eyes. 

"Everyone else leave us alone." Haneul, finally, talked with seriousness on her tone. everyone looked at Yejun and he nodded, giving them the signal to leave. "This is between us three." She said and everyone left the room, leaving only me and the 'father daughter duo'. After some minutes she said. "NOW that it's only us three." And smirked.

Haneul's POV

It breaks my heart seeing Minho like this, tied up on a chair and Yejun about to beat him up. I told everyone to leave the room, waiting a few minutes before saying. "NOW that it's only us three." Emphasizing the word 'now' and smirking, trying to make it like i am on Yejun's side. 

"You are finally made me a proud father." He said and looked at me while smiling. I just scoffed at him and rolled my eyes. "Now from what should we start?" He asked and looked at me. 

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