~Chapter 33~

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Haneul's POV 

I woke up by someone caressing my hair and kissing the top of my head. When i groaned a little they stopped and when i looked up i saw Minho smiling at me. 

"Look who's awake. How did you sleep?" He asked and i smiled at him. 

"If you count on that i was exhausted and slept like i haven't been sleeping for days, I slept just fine." I said and he chuckled. 

"It's not my fault that you wanted to e in control last night." He said with a smirk. 

"And it's not my fault that someone turned on and i am probably not able to walk." I responded to him and he smirk. 

"Well that's good, because that means that you will stay here all day and i will take care of you." He said smiled at me as he pecked the tip of my nose.

"Well this is not good because tomorrow i won't be able to save you from the bad people." I said and smiled at him as he smirked and raised an eyebrow. 

"You will save me?" He asked and i nodded. "Then who will save you." He asked and i thought about it for a little.

"I don't know." I said and looked away. 

"Now, how about we go and take a bath and go eat breakfast?" He said and i nodded. I was going to stand up but Minho caught me. "I think you might need some help." He said and i rolled my eyes.

"Fine." Was all i said and we finally got into the shower. 

After we both showered, about half an hour because Minho wanted to play, we both changed into clothes and went to the dining room. Good for us, no one was there, almost everyone was on the living room. We sat down to eat some pancakes. As we were eating Changbin and Felix came into the room. 

"Good morning, loud ones." Changbin said and hid my face on my hands. 

"Hyung, stop teasing them. Haneul is going to die out of shyness and embarrassment." Felix said and laid my head on the table. 

"Alright guys enough with this." Minho said while trying not to laugh. 

"As you wish boss." Changbin said teasingly the last word and they both left the room. 

"You can now continue your breakfast, they left." Minho said and i peeked my head up to see if he was telling the truth. When i saw that he was telling the truth i started eating silently my food. "You are too cute when you are shy." Minho said and pinched my cheek.

"Shut up." I said and he laughed at my reaction and, finally, we ate our breakfast in peace. 

When we were done eating we both went to the leaving, where everyone was. 

"Look who decided to come." Han said and he smirked. 

"Yeah, no i am not dealing with all of you." I said and turned around to leave but someone stopped. 

"Why?" Chan asked and i turned to him. " You don't like to be teased huh?" He asked. 

"I hate it." I answered him and he smirked. 

"Well, it's not our fault that you guys wanted to have fun." He said and everyone agreed. 

"And that's why i am gonna go to the training room. Bye!" I said and left as fast as i could before they could answer. 

When i got to the training room there was no one, so i started doing some warm up. After some time, i was done with the warm up, i grabbed a pocket knife that was on a table, it had the safety case on, and went to one of the punching bags that had a human figure. 

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