~Chapter 20~

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Haneul's POV

I woke up by the sunlight hitting my face and someone caressing my hair. I remember very well what happened last night and what i asked Minho to do for me. I just don't want to leave this moment, but i know i have to. 

"Thank you for helping me yesterday at the alley and for staying." I said to him and he stopped caressing my hair for a moment and then continued. 

"It's nothing. After all you are our mission, it's our duty to protect you." He said softly. Ouch.

"Yeah, you are right. I am just a mission." I wishpered to myself and tried hard to keep my tears. Thinking he didn't heared what i said i left from his touch and sat on the bed. I was about to stand up and go to the bathroom, but he grabbed my hand and made me turn around.

"Wait, Haneul i didn't mean it that way." He said softly

"It's ok i get it, you keep me here because your boss told you to." I said and he was in shock. "I know Minho, that's what he wanted to talk about last night." I said and gave him a small smile as a tear ran down my cheek. 

Before he could reply back i snatched my hand out of his hold and run to the bathroom and locked the door behind me. I slid down the bathroom door and hugged my knees as i let my tears ran down my face. 

I stayed like this for some minutes when i decided to take a bath and change my clothes. After i was done from my long bath i wrapped a towel around my body and with another towel my hair. I went to my closet and took out a sweatshirt and a cargo jeans. 

I didn't really wanted to see the others at the time, so i just did my hair in a messy bun and grabed my phone and pocket knife. I sneaked out from the window of my room and went for a walk to clear my mind a little. 

"You are our mission." Kept reapetting in my head as i tried not to cry again. It hurts becouse i thought i finally had found people that cared for me, but guess not. As i was walking i felt like someone was following me. I looked behind me and i was right, someone was following me. I quiclkly took out my phone, as i remembered that Seungmin had put an emergency button, and i pressed it. 

As soon as i did that i felt something hitting my head and then everything turned black. 

Minho's POV

Fuck, i fucked everything with Haneul. When she got to te bathroom i went to my room, i know she needed her space right now. 

When i got to my room i changed my clothes and went downstairs, it's 11:25 RM so most of the boys must be awake. As i got to the kitchen i found Chan, Jeongin and Hyunjin eating their breakfast. 

"Morning." I said, sounding like i was depressed.

"Good morning and what happened to you?" Chan already began with the questions. 

"Yeah, we were the ones staying up late and drinking." Hyunjin said and Jeongin chuckled. 

"Please guys, don't start." I said as i grabbed a cup of coffe that was already on the counter. 

"Was Haneul good in, you know." Jeongin asked and i spited my coffe as i chocked on air. 

"What the fuck Jeongin, what did you had in mind?" I said angry at him and he looked down. "We didn't do anything." 

"Then why were you in her room, sleeping together?" Hyunjin said. 

I clenched my jaw as i answered. "Because she needed someone beside her." 

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