~Chapter 14~

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Minho's POV

I feel like shit. I feel like i have been sleeping for days.I donb't like when i leave the boys alone, bu now it's different. I want to wake up for them, but also for Haneul

I started to gain my consiousness but didn't open my eyes as i heard poeple arguing; in the room.

"I asked you for one thing and you failed!" A female voice said,i could be able to recognise everyone's voice because of how weak i am, bu i know that this voice belongs to her. She was clearly upset for something. 

"We know Haneul-ah, we tried but-" A male voice said but i can't clearelly make who he was. 

"There is no but! You were so many of you there, some could have sarounded the erea and follow the plan, but you didn't!" she said, "Wait, what plan?". I asked myself confused.

"we know Cap, and we all are so sorry." Another male voice was heard. "What are they talking about?" I asked myself. 

"You are sorry ,huh? The damage is already done, Minho is here, in the hospital because of you!" She wishpered-shouted at them.

So many questions, that i wanted answers, and so i groaned to give them the message that i was waking up and they immediatelly stopped talking and i am sure they were looking at me. When i opened my eyes, who i saw weren't expected. 

Haneul's POV

Fuck. we were "arguing" with Koalla and Hawk when we heard Minho groan. We all looked at him with widen eyes and they looked at me. When he opened his eyes, I immediatelly ran to him. "Minho?" I asked softly. 

"Haneul?" He asked confused as he closed his eyes because of the strong lights of the room. He opened his eyes again and looked at me then at the guys.Shit. "Wait, Namjoon? Hongjoong? What are you doing here?" He asked confused. I gave them a warning glare. 

"Uhm, we came to see you mate." Hongjoong said as Namjoon wasn't able to speak. "And we bumped into Haneul, if i remember right, and yeah." He simply said and smiled at him. "Now we will leave you with your girlfriend, let's go Namjoon. Take rest, Minho." He said and i slightly blushed at the mention of "your girlfiend". 

"Take rest, mate." Namjoon said as the left the room, leaving me alone with him. 

"What really happened?" He asked, serous now. 

"Wh-what do yo-"

"I heard your argument with them."He cut me off and i sighed, i should have seen it. 

"Look i can't explain it to you, not now, not here. I know what i am going to ask is possible, but i want you to trust me. Everything will come on the right time, Please just trust me." I said to him as i sighed. 

He thought of it for a second until he replied. "Fine, but if it is something against us-"

"No, it's not something bad for you, really." I said as i smied at him.

He sighed and said. "Fine." With a cold tone. "{Where are the others?" He asked as he looked around the room. 

"They are on a mission that you had."

"Fuck, the mission. I should go an-" 

"you are kidding right? No way. Chan already talked with your boss and he explaind the situation." I caut him off. 

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