~Chapter 2~

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Haneul's POV

I finally got to college and went straight to my class because I only had 4 minutes before the lecture started. As I was drawing in my sketch book, I felt like someone was watching me. "I mean, of course, it's class almost everyone was here, but someone wa-" my thouts were interrupted by none other than my best friend.

"BOO!" Jeongin screamed behind me as I flinched and hit him a little hard on his chest.

"WHAT THE FUCK! Holy shit Jeongin I am so sorry I didn't want to hit you. Why did you do that? You know I get startled very easily." I cried out.

As he rapped his chest dramatically, he said. "Aish Haneul-na! Sorry, I just wanted to lighten your mood because you seem off today." He wishpered the last part only loud enough for me to hear it, and he pouted.

"Ohhh~ it's ok.You always know how to make me feel better." I smiled and giggled at his cute pouting face. He smiled back at me and sat next to me because the lecture is was going to start any minute now.

Finally! After three boring lessons, maths, science and English, it's break time. It's around 12:25 PM, and I am hungry as fuck. I am heading to the cafeteria with Jeongin to grab our favourite meal, sandwiches with orange juice and 2 muffins.

"So what are you doing after classes?" He asked as we were walking.

"Nothing much, why?" I asked him.

"Want to study at the library after?"

"Yeah, sure wh-" I was cut off by his phone ringing.

"Sorry, I have to get this." He said and picked up his phone. "Hi hyung, what's up?" He waited for his 'hyung' to reply to him. After 10 seconds or so, his smile faded, and he had his serious face. He looked at me and said. "Ok, I will be there in a while. Bye." And he ended the call.

"What happened? Is everything ok?" I asked him. I was worried for him cause his mood just changed so suddenly after that call.

"Yeah.....Yeah..... Everything is fine." He said in a serious and confused; tone.

"Are you sure? You can talk to me if you want." I said while placing my hand on his shoulder.

"No, everything is fine, really." He said with a resorting resouring smile. "I just have to go home. Family trouble,sorry." He continued.

"It's ok, don't worry. I'll cover you and tell everyone that you weren't feeling well." I smiled at him.

"Thank you, Haneul-na! I owe you." He smiled and hugged me. I was taken back but hugged him back.

"No problem, you always cover me up when I have to leave." I broke the hug. "Text me later to send you the homework." I said to him.

"Thank you again.Bye!" He shouted and ran to the exit.

I chuckled at his cuteness and went to get my meal. I was searching for an empty seat to sit, cause I don't have friends,my only friend is Jeongin.

I found a seat and went there. I sat and started eating when Jackson, the popular guy, came to me for the fifth time. This weak, I rejected him three times cause I am just not into him,but he never gives up.

"Hello, cutie." He said, and I wanted to throw up.

".....Bye!" I got up to leave, but he grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me in his lap.

"Gross." I thought and stood up, but he again pulled me down. "Why can't you just leave me alone. How many times do I have to tell you I am not into you!" I told him and tried to get up from his lap, but he won't let me go.

"Why not? You don't even want to give me a chance." He had this creepy smirk on his face like he owns me;

I rolled my eyes and grabbed his arm that was on my wrist, twisted it behind his back, and he hissed in pain. I went near his ear and wishpered. " If you want your hand, don't bother me again. You don't wanna know the consequences, Jackson." And left his arm to go to my next lesson.


Boring chapter, I know you guys probably wanted to know what skz found out. You will found out soon😌😉

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