~Chapter 11~

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Haneul's POV 

It's been two more days that i have been in my room doing nothing. I am feeling just fine now, thanks to Jisung. I have been avoiding Minho as much as i could. I didn't want to face him since the roof top and from when i had the nightmare. 

I got up from bed and went to take a shower before i went downstairs. After a long bath i went to the kitchen to find Seungmin preparing breakfast. 

"Morning Seungmin!" I greeted with a smile and he flinched. 

"God you scared me!" He said puting his hand dramatically to his chest and i laughed. 

"Chill it's not like i wanted to." I laughed even harder when he glared at me. "Want any help there?" 

"Actually if you don't have something else to do, I would like a little help with the pancakes couse I don't want to set the kitchen on fire." He said and laughed awkwardly.

"Sure I will help you." I said and went to do the pancakes with him. 

It's 9:46 AM so everyone will come by any minute now. After ten minutes i was done with the pancakes, as Seungmin had already done half of them, and started preparing the table. By the time we were done with Seungmin, everyone started coming down.

"Good morning you two. What is for breakfast?" Changbin asked as he was rabbing his eyes from sleep. 

"Pancakes with serup and fruits." I smiled and placed the last plate on the table.

Everyone sat down and started eating except for Minho. He was playing with his fork. It was silence as everyone enjoyed their food, until Minho broke it. "Everyone don't forget the deal that we have today." He said coldly and everyone nodded in an agreement. 

"May I ask what deal you have?" I aksed and he glared at me. 

"Gun trade with BTS." When he said that name i chocked on my food. "Fuck, I forgot about this." 

"Haneul are you ok?" Jeongon who was sitting beside me, gave me my glass with water and i srunk it all. 

"Uh ok. Don't forget, Yejun might attack you with a lot of help." I said he just nodded.

"Wait, is Haneul comming?" Jeongin asked Minho. 

"No. She is staying here." He said coldly.

"But i wa-" 

"I SAID YOU ARE STAYING HERE AND THATS IT. Be and obedient kitten and listen to me." He cut me off by shouting, that made me flinch.

"Fine." I said a little scared. I didn't want to make him mad.

"Good." Was the last thing he said and left to his room. 

"What's wrong with him?" I asked annoyed.

"Don't mind him, he is just stressed for this trade. It's big deal with BTS, they have the best weapons in the whole country." Chan informed me and i just nodded as a response. "By the way, are ok now? You know, from the explosion." He asked.

"Uh yeah I'm complitely fine now. And you?" I smiled at him.

"Same." He said and smiled back at me, sowing his cute dimples.

"Excuse me, I will go to the training room." I smiled at them and got up.

" I will come with you, so that i could be ready for later." Felix said and also got up.

"Yah wait for me." Changbin said and got up too.

"We all are comming." Hyunjin said and everyone got up. 

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