~Chapter 12~

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Haneul's POV

After I was done with my call, I left the bathroom and my room to go to the living room where evryone was gathered so that they can leave for their trade. Everyone was on a rush, to get the guns and the money to the Vans, to prepare their own guns, to see how meny guards they will get. 

"Are you sure you don't want me to go with you guys?" I asked as i headed to the couch were everyone was. 

"Yeah." Minho said with a cold tone. "You would alone here. Don't try something stupid an there is a gun in your left nightstand, just in case." He said and looked at me. 

"Clear." I said with a serious tone and sat beside Jeongin. 

"By the way, why did you need tour phone?" Minho asked. Fuck.   

"Uhm, just to tell my cousin, Sophia that i won't be able to answer for the next few weeks or months couse i am out of the country." I said with a confident look. Of course i made this up now.

"But, while i had your phone there was no notification." Seungmin asked confused. Thanks, Seungmin.

"Yeah cause, uh, she don't like to sent me first ciuse she don't want to disturb me if i am stadying." I said and smiled. They seemed to buy it. 

"Hmm, ok" Minho said and got back to his papper work. "Everyone we have to be extra careful with this trade, cause if we don't then big boss will scold us for the rest of the year and because of that i called some bacck up. You can come in guys." Minho said and we all turned to the hall were some new faces came. "This is gonna be fun For Yejun."  I thought and a little smirk appeared on my face but imediatelly vanished as they al approached the couch. 

"GOT7 and 2PM welcome! We are really thankful for helping us." Chan said and gestured for them to sit down. 

"No problem mate, everything so that big boss won't get mad." One of GOT7, i asume, said and smiled at Chan.

"I see a new face here." Another one said. 

"Yeah, wait you were the girl that was in my pre-wedding party and were talking with Karina, right?" BamBam asked and i nodded. 

"Yeah that's me, it's so nice seeing you again." I said with a smile and bowed at them. 

"And what's your name my lady." one of 2PM, i asume, said and anothe smacked their head.

"Taecyeon, behave!" I sappose the leader warnes the guy named Taecyeon.

"What Jun.k, i didn't say anything bad. So what's your name." He said again with a smirk. 

"Her name is Haneul. Kim Haneul." Minho said and everyone widdened their eyes and looked at me. "Chill guys, she sais that she is on our side." He continued and looked at me and i poke my cheek in annoyance. 

"She IS on our side, Minho." Chan stood up for me and glared at Minho. 

"Don't worry Chan, I'm used to it now." I said and he looked at me with a "are you sure" look and i nodded and he sat down again.

"Alright so, the reason that i called you as a back up is because SHE said that Yejun might atack this trade and i don't want to risk, so that's why i called." Minho said and looked at them. 

"And how do we know that she is not lyng?" Taecyeon said and glared at me. 

"We don't know and as i said, I'm not going to risk it." Minho shrugged.

"And who tell us that she planned ths "attack" so that she and her father can get th weapons?" A new voice said. 

"This is ridiculous." I said and got up. "If you want you can't believe me ok? But if i was with HIS side, i would tell the pla that he is organising for weeks. Couse i heard him say that, when Hyunjin and the Taehyung guy from BTS, were organising this deal in a public bar and that bar that they were, it's Yejun's biggest bar. The girl that served them was one of his minions and of course she told him everything, but he didn't know that i was listening to him and so i tild you his plan. He will have NCT, MONTASX, DAY6 and Seventeen." I had enough of them accusing me without knowing.

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