~Chapter 21~

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Haneul's POV

Everything i see is black. I don't know where i am, how long i have been off. As i started to wake up, some splashed cold water in my face to wake me up.

"Good morning sleeping beauty~" A voice said as i opened my eyes and looked around to see where i was, when i realised i was tied up, without my sweatshirt on, in a basement if i am right.

"Who are you and what do you want from me?" I asked with a cold tone and everyone in the room made an "Oh" sound.

"Wow, rellax sweetheart." One of the guys said with a smirk. I Looked at him with a glare. "The attitude you have." He said sounding piss as he slapped me across the face and i groan at his touch.

"To be hinest, Minho has a taste for girls." Another voice said and when i glanced at him, i saw the same girl that was flirting with Minho at the bar.

"Hello again, darling." She said with a smirk and i was left confused.

"Right, you don't know us. Let me introduce you to everyone." The same voice said and pointed at the first guy that slapped me. "This is WinWin, let's just say his one of the aggresive ones." He said and the WinWin guy waved at me with a devilish smirk. "The one on his right, is Ten, on his right Hendery, beside Hendery is Lucas, the one on your right is YangYang, the one in my left is Xiaojun and i suppose you already know my sister Katrina and i am Kun. We are WayV. I answerd your first question, WinWin, your turn." He said as he glanced at WinWin you still had a smirk on his face as he aproached me with a knife.

"It's not gonna hurt much, puppy" And with that he nade a big scar in my left arm, as it started to bleedi hitched in pain. "Just so you know, the more question you, the more fun i have. Now to answer your second question, you are here because, first you wee the "easy target" and because you little precious Minho dared to call OUR girl, Katrina, a slut and threaten her." As he finished his sentence he made another scar in the same hand and hitched in pane.

"I love when my pray, acting like they are not in pain." Kun said and he aproached me and lifted my chin up so that now i was facing him. "And the last reason you are here, is because Stary kids have done a lot of damage to our property, so the best revenge and easier isto turture their sister and the lover of their boss." He said again with a smirk and continued. "Everyone come around to take a picture to send it to Minho, to see that her girl is on good hands." He said as he laughed like a maniac. When everyone came for the photo, WinWin scrached me again but now in my right hand as i was trying hard to not scream. "And done. Now let's see how long will take Minho to came here and at the end, die." He said as everone left to were they were standing, except Katrina.

"Let's see what will you do now, little bitch." She said as she was inches away from my face. I took that chance hit her forhead, with a great force, with my head and she backed awa as she screamed. "YOU WHORE!" And with that she punched me in the face. To be honest that didn;t hurt.

"That's all that you have? Tch how pathetic are yo-" I was cut off by Kun punching my abdomend hard as i started coughing.

"Watch what you are saying." He warned me as he punched me again, on the face this time, as my nose started bleeding. After that WinWin came too and scrached me again in my right hand.

"Let's leave her here. Albert informed us that Stray Kids are 20 minutes away from here." The guy that i suppose was lucas said and everyone nodded.

"Before we leave." Kun said and grabbed a gun and sooting my in my right arm as i screamed from pain. "ten you stay with her, in case she tries something." He said and the Ten guy nodded as everyone left the room.

"Let's see what Minho will do for you." Ten said as he smirked at me.

"I would suggest you to watch your back and to make it out of here save." I said with the same smirk.

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