~Chapter 13~

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Haneul's POV

It's been 4 hours. We all have been sitting and waiting outside the operation room. There is no sign of the doctor that he is ok. Nothing. Everyone is in an agony to what is happening here. 

At the time, Jeongin and Felix fell asleep one supporting his head on ones shoulder and the other on is head, Seungmin and Han were sitting far from us trying to figure out what they are going to do, for what reason i don't know, Hyunjin and Changbin went to get us all something to dring, Chan is pacing infront of me and i sit on the chair waiting and also thinking.

"What am i going to do? What if? No, no, nothing bad is gonna happen. What really happened back there?"  I was so anxious that i didn't realise my nails in my palm started to make it bleed from how strong my grio was. 

"Haneul, hey, are you ok?" Chan asked as he bent down to my level and snapped me out of my thoughts. 

"Yeah. I mean, I don't know , Chan." I said, trying to keep me tears that threatened to fall from my eyes. 

 "Hey, don't lose your faith, ok? Minho will make it." He said and gave me a resouring smile, and i nodded slowly. 

"What really happened back there?" I asked out of blue. He sighed and sat beside me, looking at his feet.

"You were right, Yejun attacked us. We were more people from his, thanks to BTS from bringing a lot of backup. When we were done with Yejun's minions we finished the trade, but as we were about to leave, Minho was infront of us all when someone in a motorcycle came out of nowhere, shot him and left. We were fast, though, and killed him, but the damage was done. When BTS heard the gunshot, they immediately ran to see what happened, and they were terrified when they saw Minhos' condition and suggested running him here. We couldn't do anything so we agreed and we came home to inform you." He said, not looking at me, and i could see he was holding back tears. 

I couldn't see him like that, so i ook him into a hug and put his head in my shoulder and said. "Take it out, Chan, don't hold it, I'm here." He didn't hesitate and started crying as i rubbed his back to comfort him. 


Another hour had passed. Everyone except chan and I were sleeping. It's 6:45AM. We were still waiting for a doctor to come and tell us that he was ok. the thought of why it is taking so long, never left my mind.

"Can i ask you something?" Chan said suddenly. 

"What is it?"

"Do you like Minho?" He asked as he looked at me. 

I stayed silent before i answered, "I don't know Chan. Do i like him, or should i say, do i love him? And if i do, he sure doesn't feel the same. That might sound crazy, but even if i know you all only for two weeks and a half, i feel you like my family when i am basicly your enemy." I said as i looked down and laughed at what i said. 

"Hey, look, i know you might think that we only have you with us so that we can kill Yejun, but we all consider you as a family." He said and gave me a small smile, which i returned. "And for Minho, trust me, i know him for long to tell you that he loves you, Haneul. He is just scared."

"Scared for what? Not to betray you, which i think is totally normal to think." 

"No, that's not what i mean. He is just scared not to lose someone he loves again."

"What do you mean again?" I asked, curious. 

"Well, it's not my position to tell you, but before a year and a half, Minho was with a girl, Jeon Aeri. He loved her, and she loved him. They were happy and all of that, or that's what we thought. Aeri actually was a mole from your father, he sent her to tell him our plans and after some time she didn't want to pretend to like Minho couse in the end she fell for him. When Yejun heard this, he basically killed her in front of Minho when he was about to propose her and he found out the truth, of course." He said as he chuckled sarcastically.

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