~Chapter 40~

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We were chatting for hours with everyone that we didn't realize when it was time for me to be discharged from the hospital. The nurse came inside the room and gave me to sign some papers before leaving. They helped me get my things, not that i had something except for the clothes that i was wearing yesterday, and we head of to the house.

The ride was honestly fun. I was in a car with Minho, Changbin and Felix. Changbin turned on the radio and we just had our mini karaoke in the car, even Minho joined us. We had so fun that we didn't realize when we got home. We all got out of the car and we were just about to head inside when i called them out.

"Hey guys!" Everyone turned to me and i continued. "First of all, i wanted to apologies about your previous house, because it was on his plan, but i sent some of my friends to clean it up and i think tomorrow is gonna be all done." I said and smiled at them as they smiled back. "And to make it clear they aren't going to take anything, THE BOYZ and TWICE are with them." I continued and they laughed a little.

"Thank you, Y/N." They all said and i smiled at them.

"And second, why don't we bring some blankets, snacks, some lights, tents and some board games and do a mini camping on the back yard. We can play the board game, watch the stars and we will come with other ideas. What you'll say?" I asked them their smile grew bigger as they all started cheering and running inside to get the things. I laughed at their reaction and looked at Minho to see him laughing too. "So? What do you say, leader?" I asked and he chuckled.

"I think it's a wonderful idea." He said and smiled at me as he grabbed me from my waist and kissed me. As we broke the kiss we were both smiling at each other. "Now let's go and help them get the things because Felix won't have a house because of their excitement." He said and we both laughed as we started heading inside to help them.

As we got inside we saw them all running around and making a mess. Minho called them out and they all came in front of us.

"In order not to take down the house, Jeongin and Seungmin you go and search for mini lights that we can hang around, Changbin and Felix you guys go for the snacks and the drinks, Hyunjin you go for the blankets, Han and Y/N you go for the board game and me and Chan are going for the tends. Is that clear to everyone?" He asked and we all nodded.

We all separated into different directions to get the thinks that Minho told us to get. Me and Jisung went to the living room to get the board game.

"What should we get?" I asked Jisung as we were searching around the living room.

"We definitely are getting UNO." He said as we grabbed it placed it on the side.

"And JENGA." I said and placed on my side. "Wait. does Felix have the game BEAN BOOZLED?" I said as i grabbed it and showed it to Jisung. "This is gonna be fun."

"Oh, sure it will." He said and we search for some more games.

After ten minutes we were done choosing games so we went outside to find Minho and Chan trying to set the tends and Jeongin and Seungmin trying to set the lights.

"We came with the games!" Jisung said and they turned to us. We placed them on the side so that we can help the others.

"Do you guys need any help?" I asked them.

"Yeah, a little help here would be nice." Jeongin said and approached them to help them with the lights.


"And done." Minho said putting the last blanket inside the tend. After an hour and a half we are done with everything.

"It's so cute~" Felix said with excitement.

"It is~." I answered him with the same feeling.

"Alright let's go change and come outside to start." Chan said and we all rushed to our rooms with Chan and Minho following behind us.

I got to our room and started searching for my comfy pajamas. I found them but i decided to stole one of Minho's hoodies, my favorite one, the purple one with a cat on playing with a ball of wool. I went into the bathroom to change. Bu the time i was done Minho had came to the room and waiting for me to get ready.

"Why did you stole my hoodie again." He asked as he crossed his arms.

"I have a lot of reasons to." I said and he smiled at me.

"And what's those reasons?" He asked as he approached me.

"Well, first it's my favorite color, second it has this little cute cat on it, third it's oversized, forth it's comfy and lastly it's yours." I said as he now was in front of me. He placed his hands around my waist as he spoke.

"Well, i think it's cute on you and seconds it's cute on you." He said as he kissed the tip of my nose.

"Now go get ready to go downstairs with the others." I said to him and he groaned.

"Why can't we just stay here, the two of us and just cuddle." He said as he pouted and i chuckled at his face.

"Because everything is already prepared downstairs and you also agreed to this so you have to deal with it." I said and he groaned again. "your cute when you pout." I said and he laughed.

"Hey get that back." He said as i got out of his hands.

"I am waiting you downstairs, get ready!." i shouted as i run to the door and started heading downstairs.

I got downstairs to find Han and Felix to waiting for all of us.

"You guys don't lie when you say you are excited." I said to them and they laughed.

"Well we never really do such things and i always went camping with my sisters and i am just so excited to feel this feeling again after years." Felix said and i smiled at his excitement.

"Yeah same for my but with my parents." Han said and i smiled at him too.

We waited for some minutes until everyone was downstairs and went outside and started playing the board game that we have brought.


Hours passed by just playing board game, laughing, teasing, running around and just having fun. It's 11:30 PM at the time and we are just laid down on the blankets, in a comfortable silence, that we have on the grass and just admiring the stars.

"I would describe it as the best night i have had until now." Minho said. "Having fun with me brothers and my love is just the best think that i could have asked in life." He admitted while still looking at the stars.

I glanced at everyone, as i was laying beside Minho and everyone was laying on my left, and nodded as i smiled and they nodded back. We all got back and got to Minho, giving him a group hug, well technically we were laying one to other just hugging them, and he groaned a little by the weight that he got to himself.

"You are the best person that happened to be in our life to hyung." Han said and i swear i saw him smiling brightly, the most adorable smile.

"Alright now everyone get off of me because i can't breathe." He said and we all got off of him as he started breathing normally again. We all sat around him and started yawning. "Alright let's go and sleep guys. We all are exhausted." He said and we all nodded before going to the tends.

I, of course, was on a tend with Minho. We got inside and he zipped the entrance as he laid beside me and started cuddling.

"I love you so much." He whispered in my ear and i smiled as i closed my eyes and he kissed my neck.

"i love you too." I said softly as i kissed his cheek and we both went to sleep, finally peacefully.

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