~Bonus Chapter~

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One year later

Well, a whole year had past by quickly... and, of course, the past year wasn't that peaceful. 

But let's just start with some important things. First of all, NCT got back on the business and by that i mean, 5 months after the incident where we have left the in the forest they tried and gained back their power, with Taeil being their leader, and started to get back their alliances and also new ones. But because they were Yejun's minions no one sighned a contract, not even their old ones. So they were in their own. 

When i was arround 5 months pregnant they tried to attack us and to be fair they did a lot of damage but at the end we won. We moved houses just so me and the baby could be safe. 

Long story short, before 5 months ago we were just fed up with their attitude and just killed them. The feeling while killing them was perfect. 

Right now, we are just peacefully living in our house with everyone. Everything is silent, and by that i mean everything is fine with the whole mafia world a lot of teams have cooled down but that doesn't mean that they do nothing but they are just not in a big risk. 

After those events me and Minho decided to get married when everything was at place. So now we aren't just boyfrient and girlfrient, we are husband and wife and i couldn't be happier 

Now let's go to the present day. 

I was cooking in the kitchen for everyone and was lost in my thoughts when i felt two hands around my waist and someone kissing my neck. I smiled instantly and chuckled. 

"What are you doing here?" Minho asked in his sleepy voice that never stops giving me butterflies. 

"Cooking breakfast for all. What are you doing up so early?" I asked him back and turned arround, facing him. 

"Well the bed was empty and that woke me up because i couldn't hug you." He said and pouted to which i smiled.

"Well that isn't a goo-" I was cut off by a fant cry. I grabbed the little tablet that i had and smiled at Minho. "Well it seems that you are not the only one to wake up early." I said and showed him the tablet. His eyes lit up as he run t our shared room while i rolled my eyes playfully and went back to cooking.

As i was cooking Chan and Felix came into the kitchen, looking as if they were awake for a while. 

"Good morning Y/N!" Both said with a smile and i smiled back at them. 

"Good morning you two. How did you both sleep?" I asked them as i did the last pancake. 

"Honestly, good." Chan said as he let a sigh of relief; as he nodded. 

"That's good to hear." I said as i smiled again at him. He smiled back showing his cute dimples. "How about you Felix?" I asked as i turned to the other boy. 

"Pretty good too how ab-" He was cut off by the tablet, hearing laughter from it, i took and what i saw melt my heart. "What is it?" Felix said as he came beside me to see why i was smiling. 

"I want to see too." Chan said and came from the other side and they both smiled too as we all looked at the screen, admiring it. 

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