~Chapter 15~

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Haneul's POV

It's the next day. I woke up, finally sleeping properly after almost two days. I don't wanna get out of bed today, but on the other hand i have to so that we can all visit Minho again in the hospital. I got out off bed and changed my pyjamas into a cargo jean and a black sweatshirt, because it started gatting cold as November came. It's 7:20 AM right now, everyone must be sleeping.

I went down the stairs and there was no one. So i decided to make everyone some breakfast before we leave. I started making sandwiches and hot coffe for everyone. By the time i was done with breakfast, Jeongin came to the kitchen. 

"Morning, Jeongin!" I said and smiled at him. 

"Haneul? What are you doing up so early? An good morning." He said with his morning voice, wich is hella hot, yawned and rubbed his sleepy eyes.

I chuckled at him and grabbed my plate and my cup. "Nothing much. I prepared breakfast. Want some? Or are you gonna wait for the others to wake up?" I asked him as i offered him one plate and a cup. 

"I am not gonna wait for them, they are gonna wake up in an hour or less." He said and grabbed the plate and cup that i offered him. He immediately dtuffed half of his food in his mouth. 

I laughed at his reaction. "Woah, take it easy, you are gonna choke on you o-" Before i got the chance to finish my sentence, Jeongin chokd on his food and grabbed gis coffe, thinking it was water, and drunk it but shouted because of the hot drink. 

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" He shouted and ran to the fridge and grabbed a cold bottle and drunk half of it. This whole time i was dying from laughter. I was crolled up in a ball laughing and hagged my stomach because it started to hurt from all that laughter. Jeongin glared at my reaction and said. "That's. Not. Funny." In a serious tone but i couldn't dtop myself. 

After i calmed down and sat up, i said. "Oh, but it was. You should have seen tour face when you drunk the hot coffe." I said and started laugthing again. He hit me playfully in my arm to stop me, but e started laughing too. "Now why are you laughing?" I asked as wiped my tears that run from my eyes from all of this laughter. 

"Because after all this time, i finally saw you smilling again." He said and gave me a big smile, wich i returned. 

"Awww." Tha welmed me up and i hugged him, he didn;t wait any longer and hugged back tighter. "You are the best friend i could ever ask." I said as i rested my head in his shoulder. 

"Me too...Noona." He called me Noona. I am four months older than him. I would never have found myself beeing so happy that someone calle me Noona. I found myself tearing up. After a few more seconds we broke the hug and i wiped the tears that ran down my cheeks. "why are you crying now?" He asked, his voice soft and concern.

"Nothing, it's just, i needed this hug for a long time now." I said and smiled at him and he smiled back.

"I* would always make an exception for you, that from now on you can hug me when you feel like it." He said with a smile. As i opened my mouth to replie, another voice was heard in the room. 

"Yah, that's not fair. What about us?" Changbin complained and we both turned to his way to see everyone up. 

"Wait, you guys heard everything?" I asked and they all nodded. 

"we didn't want to disturb you big sis and baby bro momment." Felix said with a smile, Jeongin gave him a glare and Felix stopped smiling wich made me chuckle. 

"By the way why Jeongin was shouting before." Chan asked and Jeongin widdened his eyes as he new that i would tell them.

"Noona no, please." He pleaded. 

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