~Chapter 7~

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Haneul's POV

It's the next day. I finally slept and relaxed. I feel like today is gonna be a long day. I got up from bed and fixed my hair, since I'm in a room with only a locked window. As I was done with my hair the door opened and Jeongin came in.

"Yah didn't yo- Oh, Uh good morning Jeongin." I was ready to scoldto whoever came in without knocking and i thought it was Minho, but when I saw Jeongin I stopped myself and smile awkwardly.

"Morning Haneul-na. Sorry for not knocking, Minho wants us all in the living room and he sent me to tell you to come." He said and smiled sweetely.

"It's ok."

"Are you ready?"

"Yeah, let's go." I followed him to the living room and everyone was there except fon none other than Minho. Some were chatting with others and some were watching TV

"Everyone we are here!" Jeongin announced and everyone turned to us.

"Good morning." I gretted.

"Good morning Haneul!" They all said at the same time.

"Come and sit. We want to introduce ourselves properly untill Minho comes." The one with the deep voice said and smiled. I smiled back and nodded. I started heading to the couch and sat beside him so that i can see everyone.

"You already know Jeongin, Han,Hyunjin and Minho. So I am Felix." He said.

"I'm Changbin." The one sitting beside Felix said.

"I'm Chan." The ither one said.

"Seugming." He said but didn't take his eyes off the floor.

"Nice meeting you everyone." I smiled and the smiled back and by then Minho was in the room and he cleared his throat so we can turn to him.

"Are you done with the 'geto to know each other'?" He asked as he rolled his eyes and they all nodded except me. He started aproachong us and sat at the oposite couch facing us all. "So first things first, Haneul" He turned to me. "We don't have a choice but to trust you, if we found out though that you are lying i won't hasitate to kill you. Second, you will move to a new room WITH a bathroom and clothes for you." He said and I nodded for him to continue. "Now it's 9:36 AM, be ready by 11 AM so that we can see what you can do." He said and smirk. 

"Alright."I simply responded. 

"You can all leave and eat breakfast, after that Felix show her to her new room." He said and stand up to leave.

"Got it." Felix said and we all stand up to go and eat breakfast.

We sat down and started eating without Minho. "Isn't Minho going to eat?" I asked as curiosity took over me.

"He might be at his office trying to arrange some things he will sit and eat later, I think." Chan said an I nodded as a response.

After eating Felix showed me my new room. It wasn;t something special but way better than the previous one. "So this is your room. I'm gonna leave you alone so that you can get ready. If you need enythinh Hyunjin is next door on you left and Han on the right." He said and left for his room, I suppose.

I closed the door and checked the time. It was already 10:20 AM so I just went to the closet and found a black jym top with simple leggings and I did my hair in a high ponytale. I took off my necklace and placed it at the night stand. It is a nacklace with a heart and inlide it an old photo of my family. I went to Han's door and knocked,waiting for him to answer. 

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