~Chapter 18~

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Haneul's POV

It's the next day, I just woke up and realised that everyone were still sleep. I glanced at my right to see Minho sleeping peacefully, I smiled at how cute he looked while he was sleeping. 

"Are you going to stare at me for a while?" Minho asked with his morning voice. I looked away as i blushed a little and cleared me throat.

"Uhm sorry, if i woke you up." I said and i heard him chuckled a little. 

"You didn't wake me up don't worry, i was awake for a while. I just wanted to stay like this." He said, and i swear i saw him smile a little and that made me blush harder.

"Oh, uh, i am gonna go and make breakfast for everyone." I said fast.

As i was about to get up i felt Minho's hand helding mine. "Stay.  It won't be a big problem for them that you didn't prepare breakfast. After all, you have done a lot for us." He said as he made me sit back down and rested his head again in my shoulder. 

"Uh, okay then." I said a little awkward and rested my head in Minho's head.

Before i knew it, i was off to dreamland. 

Minho's POV

As soon as she rested her head to mine she fell asleep. I carefully moved my head away and rested her head on my shoulder. Hopefully, she didn't woke up. I stared at her sleeping face, she was adorable. I was lost in my thouts when a voice brought me back. 

"You really care about her, don't you?" Chan asked as i turned to look at him. 

I sighed at his words before answering. "I honestly, don't know what i really feel. I love her, yes, but again the thing that she is Yejun's daughter, i don't know. I just want to trust her, to love her, but i am scared that something bad is going to happen to her and, i just don't know Chan." I said as i looked down in my feet. 

"I know you are scared that something bad is going to happen, just like Aeri."He said her name and i clenched my jaw at his mention. "But she is not Aeri. She proved us that she is good to trust, she helped us, she gave us informations that were true, she saved me when she didn't have to. I think you should follow your heart for this one. She gets along with the others, everyone loves her. Go for it." He said and smiled at me and i gave him a small smile back. 

"I'll think about." I said and i nodded, he nodded back as he got up. 

"I'm gonna make breakfast for the others while you go back to rest." He said and i nodded as i rested my head in her head. 

Before i knew it i was asleep too. 


(time skip becouse i am lazy lol)

Haneul's POV

It's been a week since Minho was back from the hospital. He is a lot better, he can walk alone arround the house, he basicly can do almost everything, except fighting, but he stays at home while Chan is in charge for everything. 

Everything is good, for now, nothing much happened. The boys were out for missions while i was at home with Minho. Surprisingly, he wasn't as cold as he was before, We get along well now. 

Now, it's Wednesday and at the time i was sitting in the living room with Hyunjin, Han and Jeongin, watching TV while Seungmin was in his room, Chan and Felix were in the kitchen, Changbin was in the training room and Minho god knows where. 

"Haneul?" Han asked out of the blue. I turned to him and nodded for him to continue. "Is something going on between you and Minho?" He asked and the other two turned to me to see what i will answer. 

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