~Chapter 4~

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Haneul's POV

It's been five days since the day Jeongin left in a hurry and he has been acting a little weird; He will just stare at me with a weird look like he is trying to find answers; or asks me, at random times in the day, about my family when I had told him that i don't like talking about it.

I didn't get much sleep tonight as the thoughts:"Did he find anything about me; Did he find about my dad; Did he find anything about me;"  Were popping in my mind. "No, Haneul. Stop thinking and try to get some sleep before your alarm goes off, " I whispered-shouted to myself and closed my eyes, and tried to get some sleep.

After 2 minutes my alarm started going off. "You've got to be kidding me!" I told myself as closed it, it was 6 AM. I groaned as I got up from bed and went to get a quick shower. I got out and changed to black bell bottom pants with a simple white crop top. I decided to leave my hair with heavy curls. I grabbed my bag and went downstairs to the dining room, hopefully to find my dad there.

As I was outside the room I heard him talking to the phone. "What the fuck is he doing that early and is he talking;"  I wishpered to myself and waited for him to end the call so that i can talk to him about something.

After he endefd the call i took a deap breath and went inside. "Morning dad!" i said to him.

"Good morning Haneul." He said in his serious tone.

"Fuck, he is mad."  I thought. "Dad I-I wanted t-to tell tou something... " I said as i stuttered. "God why did I stuttered, fuck!"  I mentally cursed myself.

"I'm listening." He said as he sat down and crossed his arms.

I took a deep breath and started. "Alrights, so...."

Minho's POV

After i woke everyone up i told them to be at the meeting room by 6:15 AM so that we can courage and start our plan.

When everyone was at the meeting room,half asleep except from Jeongin, I started. "So today we are going to kidnap Haneul. Jeongin remember what you have to do right;" I asked the boy as he seams a bit nervous.

"Ah yeah, yeah I know what i have to do." He said with woried voice.

I nodded and I continued. "Everyone remember, we take her and leave immediately. Han, Changbin and Seugmin you will be in charge if anything happens. Chan, Hyunjin, Felix and I will go when Jeongin is ready. Is that clear to everyone;" I said to them and they nodded  as a yes. "Alri8ght then, let's start. Jeongin leave before you are late." I said and he got up to leave.

"Bye, everyone I am gonna be in charge when my part is done." He said and left the room.

"You can all leave now" I said and everyone went to get breakfast as I was still sitting in my seat. 

"Aren't you comming;" Han asked me as he yawned.

"I will come in a minute." I replied, He nodded and he left.

"Let's see what are you going to do now Yejun." I mumbled to myself with a smirk on my face and went to the others. 

Haneul's POV

I finally got to college after my talk with my father. "God Haneul, you have to be more confident to him and not scared!" I thought as was waitingt for Jeongin outside the building, it was 6:45 AM so we had a little time to talk and walk around.

As I was scrolling in jmy phone I saw him runn8ing to me. "Haneul, good morning. Sorry I was late but my alarm didn't go off." He said while breathing heavily from running.

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