~Chapter 24~

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Minho's POV

I left the hospital, bouncing like a little kid. My girl woke up, finally. I can't wait untill she comes back home. As i was out of thye building Namjoon, Hongjoong, Yeji and Soyeon was entering. Those four mafias, if they want, thay can destroy everyone, Namjoon and Hongjoong are allies so is Yeji and Soyeon. No one knows if they wotk for someone else or they are just solo. 

"Hey guys." I greeted them and they smiled at me. 

"Hey mate." Namjoon and Hongjoong said at the same time. 

"Hi Minho." Yeji and Soyeon said at the same time too. 

"You seem happy." Namjoon comented and i chuckled. 

"Actually yeah, Haneul woke up this morning and she is fine." I said smilling at them and they smiled back. "What are you guys doing here?" I asked them and they seem to panic;.

"Oh Uh, you know we came here to uh check how everything is going."Namjoon started

"Since we own this hospital, yeah." Hongjoong continued and smiled awkwardly.

"Uhm, so i gotta go. See you around?" A said and they smiled. 

"See you around." They smiled and went inside the reception. 

I didn't think much of it because my mind was still on Haneul and that she is ok and ginally back at me. I got inside my car and headed home. When i got there no one was here as everyone was on the mission. 

I wentr to my room, changed my clothes and collapsed on the bed and before i knew it, i was off to dreamland.


Haneul's POV

Three day passed really fast. The boys were here most of the time, especially Minho. It was time for me to get discharge from here. Jeongin and Chan helped me pack my things, some clothes nothing much, while i was sighning some last pappers so that i could leave. 

When  i was done i was about to get out off bed when Minho rushed to me and put my arm around his shoulder holding it and his one hand gently on my weist. "Here let me help you." He said and i smiled. 

"Thanks but i am fine with walking." I said and he looked at me concered. 

"Are you sure?" He asked worried.

"Yeah, i will be fine." I said and smiled at his as he smiled back and let me walk by myself, grabbing my hand and interlocing them.

"Ew, get a room you two lovebirds, we have a baby here." Han said as he covered Jeongins eyes and everyone laughed at him. 

"Han i am litterly 22, a year younger than you." Jeongin said with greeted teeth as he removed Hans hand off of him. 

"Ok, ok stop you two and let's go home." Chan said while laughing. 

We started heading to the exit. When we were out of the hospital i let out a long sigh and felt Minho squeexing my hand, i looked at him and he mouthed 'Are yoy ok?' and i nodded with a smile. We went to the cars and started heading back home. 


After half an hour we were finally home. But when Chan unlocked and opened the door my jaw dropped. The house was a totall mess, clothes throughen everywhere, sheos too, bullets and holes of them in the walls. Everyone looked shock as i was. 

"What happened here?" I asked and everyone shrugged and grabbed their guns as Minho pushed me behind him. 

"We don't know. Someone have must broke in." Changbin said as he went in first, behind him was JHeongin and Felix and then we all fololowed behind them. 

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