~Chapter 30~

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Haneul's POV 

 It's late at night. I woke up and grabbed my phone to see that it's 4 AM. I glanced at my side to see Minho sleeping peacefully. I carefully got out of his embrace, making sure not to wake him up and went to the bathroom because my stomach hurts like hell. When i was there i took a pill for my period cramps just so i could relax a little. 

I went next to my night stand and took my phone and silently got to the balcony. As soon as i closed i was out i called one person. After some seconds of ringing he picked it up


I heard him saying like i woke him up. 

"Wake up before it's to late."

"Cap? What happened is everything ok? 

"Everything is fine, You wanted me to call you, so what's the matter?"

"Yeah, so we only have 5 days until mission 5."  

"Wait only 5? It's already 21?"

"Yes. So you wan us to follow the plan as ten? We don't change anything?"

"We stick to the plan nothing changes. The only thing that changes is that you will get mine away until they wake up and then continue as we said."

"And what if they ask us what's happening?"

"Just tell them that everything is under control. We continue until i tell you the word, when you all are in i will let them in too for the show." I said and smirked at myself. 

"Ok, that's what i wanted." 

"Continue training especially 9 and 10." 

"They are training and have become the best."

"Perfect. See you then Hawk."

"See you Cap."

And with that i hang up and just stayed on the balcony admiring the stars. After some minutes I got bored so i decided to go and grab something to eat. I got into the room to see Minho still sleeping and i just smiled at his adorable face. 

I went to the kitchen as quite as i could, in order not to woke anyone. when i got to the kitchen, i opened the lights to find Chan sitting on a chair scrolling on his phone.

"Holy shit! What are you doing here in the dark?!" I whispered to him and he looked at me as he shrugged. "Trouble to sleep?" I asked and he nodded.

"You?" he asked as i went to the fridge. 

"Same." I said as i searched for something to eat. I finally found what i was craving, Felix's brownies. I got them and closed the fridge. 

"I wouldn't take them if i was you." Chan warned me as i looked at him confused. 

"And why is that?" I asked him and he smiled. 

"Because that's Hyunjin's brownies." He answered and i looked at him more confused. 

"So?" I asked and he laughed. 

"If someone stole the brownies that Felix made for him, he will start WW3 to the person that stole them." He said and laughed again. 

"Oh yeah, huh?" I asked and he nodded. "Ok, then. Let's see who will win, a mad man because someone took his brownies or a women on her period with cravings." I said and smirk as i saw his smile fainting immediately and now it was my time to laugh as i also got some ice cream. 

"Ok, you win, i am sorry." He said quickly and put his hand up, surrendered, and went back to his phone. 

"Have you slept, just a little." I asked him and he looked at me again. 

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