~Chapter 36~

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Haneul's POV

"You were giving her the Information?" He asked shocked. 

"Kind of." I answered him and turned to everyone else and they all had a smirk, except from stray kids. 

"What do you mean kind of? You did, how else did se knew about my plans?" He asked, angry. 

"Because." I started and paused for e few seconds. "You actually had her around your house." I said and smirked at his shocked face. 

"You are The Mafia Queen?" He asked almost as a whisper. 

"You finally got the point." I said and reached for my pocket knife. 

"WHAT?" Stray kids shouted at the same time, looking at me shocked. 

"As i said earlier, Namjoon's father trained me and kind of gave me my dad's teams, which ar them." I said and pointed at everyone in the room. "The tens." I said and started introducing. "ATEEZ, BTS, P1HARMONY, XIKERS, THEBOYZ, EXO, (G)-IDLE, ITZY, MAMAMOO and TWICE." I said and smiled. "You can guys now go that's all i wanted you." i said and bowed at them as they bowed too before leaving to their spots.

"But wait." Chan said. "You are the Mafia Queen." He said and i nodded. "So that means that you could have just killed him any time you wanted, then why didn't you do that and created all this thing?" He asked and i smiled. 

"It's actually simple. I just didn't want to be that boring and i wanted the suspense, also when i, personally, tried to come in contact with you guys for work you always tried to get me, so i thought about your 'war' with Yejun and i putted one and one together and i created my plan. So from the start i wasn't with no ones plan, but with my own." I said and smiled at them. 

"So from the start everything was a game?" Han asked. 

"Basically yeah. From the day that Yejun created all this plan to get Minho to now. The documents that Seungmin found in the deleted police documents was my action to start my plan." I answered to Han. 

"All that things that you said to us about how you feel was a lie, huh?" Minho asked and my smile faded. 

"No. The things that i said, how i felt  about you'll wasn't a lie. It was true." I said to him. "They day that you had your trade with Namjoon and you got shot?" I said and he nodded. "It was my request to get as much people as they could in order none of you get hurt, and you got shot  Namjoon actually took you to the hospital i own." I told and gave him a small smile. 

"That's why they just let us het in without asking anything." Chan said and i nodded. 

"And that's why when i woke up i found Namjoon and Hongjoong on the room, you were kind of scolding them because they let one of us get hurt." Minho added and i nodded. 

"Exactly. I think that this reasons can prove that my feelings about you guys wasn't a lie, but it's your choice to what to do." I said and gave them all a small smile.

"How did you manage to get here?" Yejun asked and i looked at him. 

"As i said, i had planed this for months. When i said all the NCT to get out i then said 'Now that it's only just three' i emphasized the word 'NOW' that was actually the queue for us to start and getting rid of all the NCT members and when they gave me the ok that they were done i knocked you down." I answered to him ad he looked shocked at first.  

"And what are you gonna do with me?" He asked and i smirked. 

"Kill you, of course. That's the reason that all this mess was created." I shrugged and he looked at me with wide eyes. 

"No, Y/N please i will do everything." He pleaded and i just laughed. 

"Seeing Yejun pleading for his life, best show." I said and went to grab a gun. 

"Y/N wait." Minho said and i looked at him, as i took the gun. "So you were never on his side?" He asked as he approached me. 

"Never, i was basically on yours." I said and laughed a little. "look Minho if you don't want to trust me or have to do anything with me i understand." I said and gave him a sad smile. 

"At first i thought you really betrayed me but when i looked at you i could see regret in your eyes, so did you really regret this?" He asked as he was now in front of me. 

"The only things that i regret was, lie to you guys and letting you getting hurt." I said looking deep on his eyes as i placed my hand gently on his cheek and wiping the blood from nose. 

No one dared to broke the eye contact, no one wanted to, and before i knew it, he grabbed me from my waist and smashed his lips on mine, kissing me passionately and o responded kissing me with the same energy. After some minutes we broke the kiss and connected our foreheads and everyone clapped, and i laughed at them. 

We broke apart and i turned back at Yejun, who was facing Minho's back, To see him furious and about to stab Minho. Apparently he had a pocket knife on the back of his suit and had cut the ropes, but i was fast enough to get Minho out of his sight and shot on the head, he managed to scratch me a little on my abdomen on the process. No one new what had happened a few seconds ago as everyone was cheering. 

"What happened, are you ok?" Minho asked and i placed my hand on the spot that he scratched me. 

"He was about to stab you but i killed him and in the process he just made a scratch with a knife but it's fine.' I said and he hugged as i hugged him back. 

"We are finally free from him." He said as he hugged me tighter and i closed my eyes as i took a deep breath. 

"We did it." I said and broke the hug as he kissed my forehead. "Can we please leave now?" I asked all of them and they all nodded as we started heading out the warehouse, while Minho was hugging me from the side. 

When we were all out everyone approached us. 

"Is is over?" Soyeon asked and i nodded while smiling and they all cheered. I laughed at their reaction. 

As we were all cheering about our win, i felt dizzy and i supported myself be Minho. 

"Y/N are you ok?" Minho asked worried as everyone stopped and rushed to me. 

"Just feeling dizzy." I answered him before closing my eyes for a second and before i realized it, i had fainted. 

Minho's POV

After all this mess was done we were all outside cheering for our win. I was hugging Y/N from the side, when suddenly she supported herself on me. I asked her if she was ok and she told me that she was feeling dizzy and after some seconds she fainted. 

"Fuck!" I cursed as i picked her up, bridal style.

"What happened." Yechan asked. 

"Yejun managed to cut her little on he abdomen and i think she had lost blood, that's why she fainted." I answered him as we all started heading to the cars. 

"Let's take her on our hospital." Hongjoong said and we all agreed. I got on the backseat with her on my arms, on the front was sitting Hongjoon and Seonghwa. 

We started heading to the hospital and finally after and hour and a half we were finally here. We got out of the car and i rushed inside with the others coming after me. 

"Someone help!" i yelled, a doctor and a nurse came with a bed and i placed her gently on the bed. 

"What happened?" The doctor asked as he was searching for her heart beat. 

"Someone scratched her on her stomach and she lost some blood and fainted." I explained him fast and he immediately looked at her stomach where the cut was and nodded. 

They took her to the operation room to treat her and we all sat down on the waiting area, waiting for the doctor to come out and tell us that she is ok.

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