~Chapter 39~

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It's the next morning and, honestly, i want to sleep more but, of course, the nurse would get in the room after not hearing a reply. 

"Oh sorry dear, i just brought you food." She said and smiled awkwardly before bowing. 

"It's ok, just leave the food there, thank you." I said and smiled at her as i bowed my head a little. She smiled at me, placing the tray on the side before leaving and closing the door. I glanced at Minho to see him still sleeping. I smiled before starting to wake him up. "Minho wake up." I whispered as i tried to leave from his embrace but he pulled me back in. 

"Just five more minutes." He said on his morning voice and, oh boy. 

"We have to get up Minho." I said to him as he groaned. 

"Fine." He said and let me get up so that he can also get up from the hospital bed. "Did a nurse brought you breakfast, because i don't remember this tray being here the last night." He said and pointed at the tray. 

"yeah, a nurse brought it before like three minutes." I answered him and he nodded. He got up and went to grab the tray and bring it to his side. "What are you doing?" I asked him confused and he smiled at me. 

"I am gonna feed you." He answered with a cute smile and i scoffed. "What? My love is on the hospital and i want to take care of her. Is there anything wrong with that?" He said and smiled more as i chuckled at his response. 

"No, but you know i can do it my-" I was cut off by him. 

"No! I will feed you and that's final." He said and i rolled my eyes playfully with a smile and just let him feed me. 

When he was done feeding me we just stayed in a comfortable silence, until his phone's rang. He took it and smiled at me. "What happened?" I asked him and he place the phone to the side. 

"The boys are coming by to see you and they say the won't accept the excuse 'you are tired' or something like that. They are coming to be by our side and that's final, that's what Chan messaged me just now." He said and i looked at him with awe. The boys are really like the the protective, caring and sometimes annoying big brothers i never had and i am really happy that they happen to be in my life. "I also got a text from Namjoon saying that the alphas are coming by too." He added and i nodded. The tens are also like a family that i never had, especially Namjoon and Hongjoong are like fathers i neve had, they care for me like sister and i can't be more thankful to also have them in my life. "What are you thinking?" Minho interrupted my thought and i looked at him. 

"You know, everything that had happened, and i don't mean killing Yejun." I confessed and he looked at me curious. "Mostly what had happened the last months. Me coming to your guys life, from you hating me at the start and the boys just trying to encourage me and make me feel better and started treating me like a little sister and i honestly see them all like my big brothers, well annoying sometimes but we don't stay in that." I said and we both laughed a little. "to both us, From basically hating each other to now being like the happy couple on the end of almost every k-drama romance." I said and he smiled at me. 

"Well we aren't exactly like that compere to our lifestyle." He said and laughed. 

"Yeah, but you what i mean, behind the dark world what we are." I rolled my eyes and we both laughed again. "If someone had told me months ago that this will be my life, i wouldn't believe him." I said and looked him in the eyes. 

"Neither would i." He admitted and just then the door opened revealing the boys who were almost in tears. 

"We all see you as our little sister Y/N." Hyunjin said and fake cried and we all laughed at him. 

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