~Chapter 25~

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Haneul's POV

"You useless brat!" He shouted at me and slapped me across the face as i fell down grabbing me cheek and ytying to hold back my tears. "You can't do anything right!" He shouted at me again but i didn't look up at him. "You will look at me when i am talking to you." He said as he grabbed my chin harshly, making me look at him.

"I-I am so-sorry." I said with cracked voice as i was holding back my tears. 

"You should be sorry for leaving!" He spat on my face as he grabbed me hait and dragged me to the chair. "Chain her." He commanded his minion and i looked at him with pleading eyes.

"No dad, please don't." I said as I allowed my tears to fall, but he didn't listen.

When they were done chaining me he grabbed the baseball bat and started hitting me everywhere. 

"You don't deserve to leave and be my daughter!" he shouted and continued to hit me, hard. I started coughing really bad adn cried out in pain. After an hour he stoppred whe he saw that i was about to pass out. "Clean her up." He said and left the room, leaving me with Taeil. 

He cleaned so i  wasn't covered with blood. When he was done cleaning me he was sappose to go to my father but instead he stayed. 

"Gosh i can't hold back." He said and carried me to the couch that was in the basement adn layed me there with him on top of me. 

"Wh-what are yo-you doing?" I asked with the energy that was left in my body. 

"What i wanted to do to you since i came here." And with that he attacked my neck, kissing it. His one hand beside my face and his other were on my tights squeezing them. "God you are so beautiful." And he took off his shirt and then mine. He attacked my body, kissing it, bitting it and leaving scars. 

"Please stop." I cried out but he didn't liste. He took off my pants and i was crying at the time. "Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop" I shouted with all the fource that i had. 

"Haneul wake up." i heard someone saying and shaking me. 

"Stop, stop, stop, stop." I kept repeatting. 

"Haneul!" the person shouted again as he shaked me more.

I opened my eyes as i sat up breathing heavilly and crying. A pair of arms hugged me but i backed away and looked around me to see where i was. I looked at me left and saw Minho looking worried at me. 

"Minho." I wishpere as i throw myself on him, hugging him. He didn't waste a second and hagged me back as i burried my face on his chest and he was rabbing my back. 

"Shhh, everything is fine. You are fine, It was just a dream." He wisshpered in my ear and kissed my forhead.

"N-no it wa-wasn't." I said as i cried more and he hugged me tighter. 

"Breath Haneul. Follow my breath." He said and started breathing slowlly for my to follow. After some time i calmed down my breathing. "That's my girl." He said and kissed my forhead. "Do you want me to brin-" 

"No don't leave me." I cut him off, between my sobs, as i hugged him tighter and burried my face deeper in his chest.

"I won't leave you. You are safe." He kept telling me soohing words untill i was calm. 

After some more time i was calm but stayed in the potision a was. His heart beating is so calm. He makes me feel safe. 

"What time is it?" I asked him as i looked up at him. 

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