~Chapter 28~

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Haneul's POV

It's been a week now, and everyone was preparing for the next week to the point that we barely got any sleep. We have been at the training room for hours now, and everyone was exhausted, but no one dared to leave. Everyone was at a different spot doing their work out. 

I was curently at the punching bags with Felix. After 3 hours of just punching and kicking i stoped and grabbed towel and water. 

"Tired?" Felix asked as he also stoped. 

"You don't know how." I said as i drunk half my water. "Aren't you tired?" I asked him and waited to drink his water as he answered me. 

"I am more hungry than tired. Wait, have you ate breakfast? Because when we all came here you were already here." 

The truth is, I haven't eaten in 5 days due to training and stress but no one knows. "Uhm, yeah i ate a uh apple." I lied as i gave him a little smile. 

He didn't seem to buy it as he came closer to me. "Haneul don't lie. It's clearly that you donb't eat. You have been weaker the last days at practice." He wishpered at me and i sighed not looking at him. " It's true, isn't it?" He asked.

I closed my eyes for a second before answering. "And what if it's true." And looked at him. 

"Haneul it's not good for- Hey are you ok?" He couldn't finish his sentence as i felt dizzy and stumbled, almost fell, but he cought me. 

"Yeah, i am fine lust a little dizzy." I said as i masaged my temples. 

"Let's go and sit down for a bit." He said and just helped me and sat me down on a chair nearby. "Are you feeling better?" He asked as he bend down on my eye level. 

"A little" I said with a weak voice. 

"Do you want me to bring your water?" He asked and i just nodded. He got it for me quickly. after i was done drinking he took the bottle off of my hands. "Do you want me to get Minho?" He askede and i nodded again. "Okey, just sit here i will be right back." He said. 

I just closed my while Felix went and told Minho to come. I just strayed like this untli i felt someone grabbig my hands and wishpering. 

"What's wrong, love?" Minho asked as i opened my eyes and found him looking at me with worried eyes. 

"Just a little dizzy. That's all." I wishpered to him. 

Felix popped up and said. "Hyung, she hasn't eaten the last days." Minho looked back at me, as he was looking at Felix, and sighed.

He got up and shouted. "Everyone, that's enough training. We all have been doing this all the week. For the rest of the day and for tomorrow we all have a day off." Everyone sighed in exhustion and almost immediatelly left the room to rest. "You can go Felix, I will take care of her." He said, Felix just nodded and left the room. "Let's go to our room, hmm?" He said and i nodded. 

As i was about to stand up and walk, he rushed and helped. "I can walk myself you know." I said and took off his hands of me as i stood up and was about to take my first step a felt more dizzy and sat back down on the chair. "Never mind i need help." I said and heard him chuckle. 

He helped me stand up and then carryed me bridal style to our shared room. I didn't say anything and just put my hands around his neck and rester my head on his shoulder as i closed my eyes. When we got to our room he gently laied me down, he took the chair of the desk and sat beside the bed, beside me. 

"Why did you do that?" He asked softly and i opened my eyes to look at him. 

"Do what?" I asked, most likely wishpered.

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