~Chapter 10 ~

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Haneul's POV

It's been three days that i have been in my room resting. I'm completely fine now. Well almost. When i am about to do something hard like punch someone my back hurts a little but i can do things by my own now. Everyone had past by to see how I' getting better, except Minho and Chan of course.  

I was getting to the kitchen, it's like 5:45 PM right now and everyone must been aroumd the house. When i got to the kitchen no onbe was there, weird cause every time of the day someone must be down here, but i didn't pay much attention. I went to get an apple when someone scared me. 

"Well not even a hello?" Minho asked and i flinched when i heard him. 

"God, why do you have to be so quiet, you scared the shit out off me."

"I didn't know that i had to be noisy like everyone else."He said with a smirk but i just rolled my eyes. "How are you now? I'm guessing you are lot better now." 

"I'm fine now, yeah" I responed and started walking away when i remembered something. "Uhm Minho?" I said and turned to him and he also looked at me and we locked eyes for a second untill i cleared my throught. "Do you know were Seungmin is by any chance?" I asked breaking the eye contact. 

"He is probably in his room, why?" 

"Just to show him about the programm that i promised." I said and he nodded. "Where is his room by the wey?"

"Next to Jeongins." He said while looking at his phone. 

"Thanks!" I said and started heading to his room upstairs.

When i got there i knocked on his door and waited a few minutes for him to respomse. When he opened the door he was suprised to see me. "Haneul, hi. How come to pass by?" He asked.

"If you don't have something to do, i was thinking to teach you how to use the Italian program."

"Oh yeah, right. I'm not doing something so you can come." He said and smiled as he opned the dor so that i can get in. I smoled back at hima and went in and he closed his door behind me. "Here, you can sit at my set up." He said and pointed st his desk and my mouth was wide opened. He had four different monitors and two latest technology PC's.

"Wow that set up is so nice." I said as a little kid and giggled and it was so cute.

"Thanks. Come on let's start.' And so we sat down and started showing him the program.


After five hours i was done teaching him the basics, now it's 11:20 PM. "So that was the basics for today. There are a lot more for you to learn." I said and looked at him and he looked like he was lost in the screen, analysing what i just show him. "Next time I'm gonna show the same and more." 

"Alright thank you so much."

"It's nothing. Take rest Seungmin it's late." I said and stand up and went to the door. 

"You too Haneul." I heard him say before I closed the door behind me.

I went straight to my room so that i can sleep. After some time i couldn't sleep and so i had an idea. I discovered yesterday that i can get to the roof top if i u7se a chair, and so i did and now i was at the roof top. I went farther when saw someone in the corner sitting and i secided to aproach him. When i got closer I realised it was....

"Minho?" I asked and he seemed like he was lost in his thoughts because he was about to attack me but he stopped when he saw. 

"Haneul? Uh sorry I didn't expect you here. Wait, what are you doing here and how did you get here?" He asked.

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