~Chapter 9~

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Haneul's POV

I feel like I can't move because of the pain. I feel like every bone in my body is broken. I don't know for how long I have been unconscious. I slowly opened my eyes and tried to stand up but with no luck as my ribs were in so much pain, and I painfully groaned.

"Haneul!" Jeongin, who was sat beside the bed, stood up and helped me sit up in bed.

"Jeongin. What happened? How have I been asleep?" I asked as soon as was sat up.

"After the bomb exploded, Chan was unconscious, and you helped him out of the building, but as soon as you were out, you passed out." He said and looked worried.

"That's why I feel like every bone of my body, especially my back and ribs, is broken." I said as I looked down in my body. Wait. "Why am I in my pyjamas." I asked in a panicked tone.

"Minho hyung changed your clothes before Han checked you up." Jeongin replied casually, and I widened my eyes.

"WHAT?" I shouted but immediately hissed in pain.

"Hey, are you OK?" He asked as he sat beside me in the edge of the bed.

"I think so. Oh, is Chan OK?" I asked him, and he smiled at me sweetly.

"He is at the same condition as you but with fewer bruises and cuts. We are thankful for saving him."

"It's nothing, really. Is he awake?"

"Yeah, he woke up half an hour ago, and now I think he is in the living room with the others."

"That's good. Let's go down then." I said and tried to stand up, but Jeongin didn't let me.

"Are you sure you can stand up by yourself?" He asked and looked at me with a questionable look.

"Yeah, I can." I replied, annoyed and tried to stand up but immediately regretted it as I felt a strong pain in my back. "Never mind, I need help." I said as I sighed in pain.

"Alright, come on." He said, and he carefully helped me up, putting my left arm around his shoulders, and he put his one hand around my wait carefully, not to hurt me, and we started heading downstairs with slowly steps.

As we were out of the living room, I could hear everyone chatting with each other, their backs facing the door, so they didn't notice us.

"Guess who woke up~" Jeongin sang, and everyone turned our way, as we now were beside the sofa, and he helped me sit down next to Chan.

"How are you feeling?" Han asked as soon as I was sitting comfortable.

"You know, like every bone of my body is broken, but it's nothing. I've been in worse." I mumbled the last part, making sure that no one heard it.

" You will be OK by tomorrow if you take the medicines that I will give you."

"Thank you, Han." I said and gave him a weak smile as he returned me a bright smile.

"Haneul." Chan called me, and I looked at him, waiting for him to continue. "I'm really thankful for what you did for me last time. You could just leave me there, but you didn't, and thank you for that." He ended and smiled at me.

"It's nothing, really. I wouldn't forgive myself if I knew that someone might die because of me stubbornness." I said, and at the last part, I wasn't looking at him.

"Again, we are thankful for that." Changbin said, and I smiled at him.

"Haneul, what exactly happened last night?" Hyunjin asked and now all eyes are on me.

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