~Chapter 37~

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Minho's POV

We rushed Haneu- well Y/N, to the hospital that she owns and the doctors took her immediately, while we all, the boys and the tens, waited outside the room that the doctors took her. I was trying to process what happened just a few hours ago. Kim Haneul, isn't Kim Yejun's daughter and her name isn't Haneul, but her real name is Park Y/N and her father is, well was, Park Daeshim, the biggest Mafia in the country. 

It seems like a fictional film to me. All this time we all thought that she was on our side, then she "betrayed" us and she was from the start at Yejun's side then again it turns out that all this time she was with no onw but with her own plan about everything. 

I was so lost at me thoughts that i didn't realize, it already has been almost an hour of waiting. As i glanced at my side i could sense everyone was worried and the boys were also processing everything. It was dead silence as we all waited for the doctor to come out. Just as i looked at Y/N's room door, i saw it opening and the doctor came out with some papers on his hands. We all rushed to him. 

"How is she?" I asked him almost immediately as he looked at us. 

"Everything looks alright on her tests, except one thing." He said and we looked at him confused. 

"Then how can everything look fine when something is wrong.' Namjoon said and we all nodded. 

The doctor sighed before asking. "Is by any chance one of you her boyfriend or something?" 

"I am." I immediately answered and looked at me. 

"Sir, can you please with me for a second?" HE said again and i looked at him confused before answering. 

"Uh, yeah, sure." And he nodded as we both went a little far from the others. "Is something wrong?" I asked him worried. 

"Well." He whispered as he looked at the others to make sure no one was listening. " Uhm did she had uhm her period before at lest a week ago?" He asked and i looked at him even more confused. 

"Yeah she had her period this week actually, what does this have to do with that?" I asked and he looked at me with sympathy;.

"Did she complained for a stomach ache and before her period, did she over worked herself or was she stressed?" He asked again and i just looked at him like he was an alien. 

"Uhm yeah, the truth is she overworked herself and also she was stressed from uhm work, yeah work." I said and laughed awkwardly. 

"'What about stomach ache?" 

"Truth is yeah she complained at her third day a lot, if i remember right, why though?"I asked him and he looked at me serious now.

"That makes sense now." He said and i looked at him confused as fuck. "Well mr..." 

"Minho, Lee Minho." 

"Well Mr. Lee i am sorry to be on this position to bring you this news, but unfortunately Mrs, Park, and before you say how do i know i am her personal doctor and know everything about her and her life." he said and i cut him off. 

"So you know who she really is, even though you pretend not to?" I asked him.

"Yeah, Mr. Joon and i were like brothers and he asked me to take care of her." He said and i nodded." So as i was saying, unfortunately, Mrs. Park had a miscarriage the day she complained about her stomach, the reason was over work and stress and because she didn't know, she was only just 4 weeks pregnant, the baby was dead inside her for too many days and due to todays adrenaline her body couldn't handle the dead unborn she fainted." 

(idk if that's makes sense but i hope you guys can understand what i mean)

He finished talking but i couldn't understand clearly what he was saying after he said that Y/N had a miscarriage. She was pregnant and she didn't knew, i didn't knew and i let her stress herself, over work herself and be in danger. I was left with wide eyes and trying to get the news as good as i could. How am i suppose to bring the news to her? She would be devastated.

"Mr. Lee are ok?" The doctor asked and i looked at him, still shocked. "I know this news is horrible and i am sorry for your loss." He said and i nodded. 

"Uhm th-thank you. When can i see her?" I asked him as i tried to stay calm.

"She is sleeping right now, but only you can go and see her." He said and nodded again. "And be careful how you bring the news to her." He said and i nodded again as i rushed to the others. 

"Hyuing, what happened? why are you looking like he said she is dead?" Han asked and all the others looked at me. 

"Uhm, I-I." I tried to speak but no words could come out. 

"Minho? What happened?" Chan asked worried as tears started streaming from my eyes as i run my hand through my hair. 

"She- She was pregnant." I finally said and started crying. everyone looked at me shocked. 

"She, what?" Solar asked shocked. 

Chan came and hugged me and i didn't wait and hugged him too. 

"It's all my fault. I let her over work and be stressed and caused her miscarriage. It's my fault." I cried in his arms. 

"Minho, you couldn't know. No one knew. If we knew we would have stopped her." Chan said and that's when everyone came to the hug. "You are not alone." He continued and i nodded as i started to calm down. 

After a minute, or so, we all broke hug and i wiped my tears. "I am going inside and wait for her to wake up. Everyone you should go and rest, that's what she would want." i said and smiled at them. 

"Are you sure Minho? Will you be ok alone?" Honjoong asked and i nodded. 

"Yeah i will be ok. I will tell her that i said to you'll to go and rest and that you guys will comr tomorrow." I said and they nodded. 

"If you need anything call us ok?" Keeho said and i nodded smiling at them. "And we are sorry." He said and they all nodded as i smiled a little at them before thay all left and only the boys stayed. 

"We are not leaving your side, i hope you know that." Felix said and i chuckled. 

"You boys go too." I said to them and they all looked sad. 

"But we want to stay by yours and Y/N side." Jeongin said sad and i smiled at him. 

"You guys can come tomorrow morning too. Go and rest for now, i will tell you when she wakes up, ok?" I said and they nodded slightly. 

"Be careful mate." Chan said and patted my back. 

"You too guys." I said and smiled one last time at them before they left. 

When everyone was gone i went inside Y/N's room and sat at the chair beside her bed grabbing her hand and interlock my fingers at hers as i let more tears run to my face. "I am sorry i couldn't protect you and our baby. It's my fault." I cried out and squeezed her hand as i rested my arm and my head on the bed. I was crying silently in order not to wake her up and after some time of crying i was so tired that i fell asleep. 

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