~Chapter 26~

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Haneul's POV

"So everyone we have a lot to say here." Minho started and looked at us all. "Yejun found out about our second base and that's not good." He said and i had a weird feeling in my stomach. "And he knows that Haneul helps us." That's when all of them turned to me.

"But how?" Hyunjin asked. 

"I don't know how." I said as i looked into space, untill it hit. "He knew all this time that i was helping you guys." I said as i looker around mwe and everyone looked at me confused. "The day of the pre-wedding party, i said i bumped into Taeyoung. He or some MontasX must have told him that i was helping you out of there." I said as i sighed and everyone seemed to remember that night. "Fuck!" I cursed as i stood up and started pacing around. 

"We have to stop him before he does something else." Changbin said and Minho nodded. 

"If we do something we have to do it fast before he finds out about this house too." Seungmin added and Minho again nodded. 

"But what will we do?" Hyunjin asked and we all fell in silence. After some minutes i said.

"I know what we can do." Everyone looked at me and i continued. "What date is it today?" I asked and Chan took his phone.

"It's 12 September, why?" He asked curious and i smiled at myself.

"So, Yejun goes to his werehouse every two weeks. He will be there at 15 and 25 of september. We can atack him at 25 so that we can have time to prepare." I said and they all looked liked they were sceptical. 

"That's actually not a bad idea." Jeongin said and everyone nodded.

"We will atack him a time that he won't be able to react fast." Chan continued.

"He mostly goes there after 9Pm and also has some NCT's with him but only 3 or 4." I added and everyone looked like they want to do it. 

"Alright then. In two weeks we attack his werehouse . We have time to prepare about this fight and we will take him down." He said and everyone nodded. I went and sat back at me seat and lays my head on the sofa. "Alright everyone you are all free to go." Minho said and everyone stood up. 

"Let's make dinner, Felix." I heard Changbin saying. 

"Yeah let's go. They will start complaining if there is no food at 1:30 Pm." I heard Felix response and made me chuckle. I felt someone sitting next to my and then a hand ion mi ight that made me smile. 

"How are you filling?" I heard Minho asking and i looked at him. 

"i honestly don't know." I answered him and he looked at m with a soft look. "Scared  mostly. Scared of what might happen when we go for him." I answered him honestly. 

"Being scared at this situations is normal, i guess. We will do everything to take him down, no matter what." He said and smiled at me.

I smiled back and rested my head on his shoulder as he hugged me from the side and i closed my eyes, enjoying the moment. It was comfortable silence untill he broke it. 

"Can i ask you something?" He asked softly and hummed as e responce. "What were you dreamming later?" He asked and i opened my eyes immediatelly. 

"Nothing, just you know about my mother." I lied because i didn't want him to find out and think that i have gone with everyone.

"i am sorry to what happened to her and you, love." He said as he rubbed my hand and i closed my eyes again. 

We were sitting again on a comfortable silence for a while, untill the others broke it. "EVERYONE THE FOOD IS READY!" Felix shouted and everyone rushed to the dining room. We got up and started heading there too.

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