~Chapter 5~

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Haneul's POV

 I opened my eyes and it was black. I was alone in the room. I had a bad headache, I felt something liquid in my head, but when I tried to move, I couldn't. I was tied up. "Great. Just great!" I thought. As I was trying to untie the ropes off my hands, I heard people coming, so I pretended to be uconscious. The door opened, and I could hear seven voices entering the room.

"Yah, she is still unconscious." The one said with a deep voice.

"How hard did you hit her, Chan?" Another one asked someone named Chan.

"I didn't hit her that hard. I think so." The, I suppose being Chan, said.

"What do you mean "I think so" . God let me check her head." The other one said, coming up to me and checking my head for any injuries. "Great job Chan, she is bleeding." He said as he touched my wound, and so, I decided to "wake up. "

I groand a little to let them know that i was waking up. I slowly opened my eyes to meet their eyes. I looked scared, but i wasn't. My eyes travelled around the room when I met Jeongin's, and I I immediately looked away. "Wh-where am I; Who a-are y-you;" I asked with a scared voice. Then thye door opened, everyone turned to the door and bowed to him  who I suppose is the leader.

"Look who is finally awake." He said as he entered the room with a smirk on his face. "Gosh, he is beautiful- What the fuck Haneul, stop he is your kidnapper." I thought and mentaly cursed myself.

"Who are you and whatr do you want from me." I asked, not with much seriousnes as tears rolled down my cheeks.

"Who we are huh;" He said as he bend down to my eye level. "God, how much I want to hit that pretty face of yours."  I thought as he continued. "We are Stray kids and you are gonna answer our questions with the good way, if you don't answer us then it's gonna be the bad way." He ended as he stand up.

"What!" Jeongin popp0ed up as came to our way, he was sitting silendly in the corner. "Hyung, you promised me somethimg, please." He pleaded to him.

"Like you care Jeongin." I said to him as tears started running uncontrollably from my eyes. Everyone's head, except Jeongin's and their boss's, was down. After what I said Jeongin started sobbing and tears threatened to rolol down his eyes. I didn't want to be so rude to him but he deserved it.

"Jeongin, don't worry I'm gonna keep my promise." He said and Jeongin sighed going back to his spot, two of the members went to comfort him. "So, Mrs. Haneul," he started. "what's you father's plan;" He asked with a serious and warning tone.

"Wh-what do you m-mean;" I stuttered as I pretended to be scared, because I wasn't.

"Don't play dumb and inocent kitten. You know very well what i'm talking about." He said with a smirk on his face.

"I-i don't k-know what you a-are talking about!" I sais as I started crying.

Minho's POV

This girl knows what she is doing and she is starting gatting on my nerves. She was playing the "innocent little girl" and started crying, hard.

"JUST ANSWER ME GOD DAMN QUESTION!" I shouted ate her and i could see some of my members flinch, but she didn't.

"I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TRYING TO SAY, MY FATHER IS INNOCENT NOT A MAFIA LIKE YOU!" She shouted back as more tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Then how do you know about Mafias;" I asked her with a smirk. 

"I didn't say that i am stupid. I know about the underworld, it's not something that it can be hidden." She said, continuing crying. The other were surprised with her answer and so was I.

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